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  1. Sebringlovr

    Show Us Your Pet

    This is tank. My little sweety. Hes such a good boy
  2. Sebringlovr

    Coloring..not just for little kids!

    I get colorbooks and sit there coloring all day. Sounds dumb but it keeps my sanity and saves my data minutes!!
  3. Sebringlovr

    FOR WOMEN ONLY: Solo women and protection/safety on the road

    I have a .38 but i put it in my friends gun safe. Dont carry a gun, it will get stolen or youll get in trouble if you use it. Ihave a stun gun . And a pit bull. Mostly use your in stinct
  4. Sebringlovr

    Women's Forum: Any female urban stealthers

    I always joke...the smart gal out here alone has a pit bull in the backseat. I know i feel much more safe because of my dog!
  5. Sebringlovr

    Woman's Forum: Potty Issues

    I live in pismo beach area so plenty of campgrounds bathrooms here. Only problem is they somtimes lock them at night. Then i have to drive to chevron
  6. Sebringlovr

    Join the Elks lodge if you can afford it

    There are elks lodges everywhere and usually less then half what it cost at an rv park
  7. Sebringlovr

    a guy offered me a free van any input would be good.

    If you dont want it ill take it Sent from my P008 using Tapatalk
  8. Sebringlovr

    Turned 65 today, completely alone

    Im sorry, if i knew where you where id have brought you a cake. Or at least called.its mothers day and nobody called me. My son should be ashamed but hes not. Happy bday hope you feel better Sent from my P008 using Tapatalk
  9. Sebringlovr

    RV Park Parking costs

    Join the Elks lodge. They are in almost every city and half the price of campsites
  10. Sebringlovr

    car curtains

    Buy poster board at dollar store, cut to git then paint black. It looks good
  11. Sebringlovr

    Don't lock your keys in your home/car.

    I was getting my tire repaired at a tire shop yesterday and dude locked my keys in my trunk. They had to crawl through to the trunk to vrab the emergency release.
  12. Sebringlovr

    Completely new and lost

    Find churches for food. Theres usually a chow line in most cities