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  1. Stretch

    Why do we feel the need to stay connected

    You participate in an online message board, and, by your tag line, you go to RTRs. You connect when you want to connect and don't when you don't, just like everyone else. :-/
  2. Stretch

    What to do with wet rags?

    Yeah, I’m completely grossed out by the thought of ‘rinsed’ rags being used in multiple clients’ homes.  :-/
  3. Stretch

    Shared Space

    FWIW Goofy, I understood what you were offering completely, and think it’s a win/win, or could be for the right people.  My first concern, and I get it a lot on this site, was safety. It’s a public site and you never know who’s going to respond to offers and requests for help. Just be careful...
  4. Stretch

    The logical next step for RVs...

    The Germans have created a fully Electric RV, slathered in solar panels, so no need to plug in.
  5. Stretch

    Yah I get it

    Does OP do any other kind of posting?
  6. Stretch

    weird light in the picture

    Probably aliens.
  7. Stretch

    Dog Trainers at RTR 2018?

    Awww, Manny's a cutie.  :) Echoing what the others have said - a lot of this comes down to breed characteristics. My red heeler mix was rescued as part of an abandoned litter in New Mexico, when he was almost 5 months old. He was a nervous pee-er, afraid of absolutely everything (including...
  8. Stretch

    RTR/Desert Basics

    I haven't been to RTR yet, but as a long time resident of Colorado I can add what I tell visitors: bring body lotion and Vaseline for your nasal passages. Bloody noses are common when you're not used to dry air, and between the dryness and wind, your skin will look like a lizard's (and can crack...
  9. Stretch

    I think my car is just about ready

    Holy moly! I have a Soul, and while I love it, they aren't built for "get up and go." :) Do you plan on driving in the mountains? I'll also add my voice to the "get a spare tire" chorus. Hugely important, imo. I'd also give some more thought to paring down, if possible. You're one person -...
  10. Stretch

    Power source suggestions for an SUV 2 week trip?

    Bob just did a great video on very basic solar options.
  11. Stretch

    Simple Method to Avoid Being Judgmental

    Grace and understanding should be everyone's goal, but to play Devil's advocate: passing judgment doesn't have to mean you are cruel to someone. Take a message board, for instance. I can pass an immediate judgment that someone's communication style isn't my cup of tea, and therefore it would be...
  12. Stretch

    If you could have one of these..

    I’m allergic to peanuts, so I have to go with the weinermobile. ;)
  13. Stretch

    Any other gephyrophobics (fear of bridges) here?

    Hoooooooooooooo boy, I really didn't need to watch that. :P
  14. Stretch

    Any other gephyrophobics (fear of bridges) here?

    I've battled this for years now (even seeing photos or videos of big bridges makes me anxious), but it seems silly to contemplate a life on the road when those roads often cross over bodies of water. Honestly, I don't even like overpasses.  :D   The definition says the fear includes 'fear of...
  15. Stretch

    Preference? Alone or in Group?

    Since I prefer to be alone in my home, I'm going to guess that the same will hold true if I ever manage to get out on the road. ;) The only thing that might change is the work factor. As of now, being in the office 40 hours a week absolutely drains me, and I need the weekends to recharge. I...
  16. Stretch

    The CruisAire Chronicles

    That's super cool looking!
  17. Stretch

    Finally sharing my build out

    Wow! I'm completely impressed with your building skills! I think you've done a great job, and it looks lovely.
  18. Stretch

    Van step up

    That is weird; even my mid-size SUV had grab handles. It seems like such a simple thing for them to do.
  19. Stretch

    Minimalist or Lazy Bum?

    Nope, I'm with you, Stargazer. Simplify, simplify, simplify. I think I would like solar, just for electronics charging and maybe a plug in cooler, but it's absolutely beyond me to understand how it all works. You do you!
  20. Stretch

    Women Only: Washing

    I don't mean to belabor the point (but I guess I'm going to anyway  :)), but this is 2 liters: [/URL] And this is a 16.9 ounces: [/URL] So 16.9 liters would be a whole lot harder to lift over your head than a gallon jug. It'd be bigger than a 3 gallon jug.   :)