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  1. V

    How to tell your friends and fam?

    The most unfortunate persons to have fail to understand ones modus vivendi are those for whom one would hope to work.<div>The absence of a physical address at which one dwells is a indicator of instability for most human resource types.</div>
  2. V

    vandweller guys

    <div><br></div><div>You missed lonely, unless you are a sociopath:-)</div>
  3. V


    <div><br></div><div>You could also use the water from either stage to flush the loo.</div>
  4. V

    How to tell your friends and fam?

    I run into a lot of people who don't full-time who don't really understand the difference between a weekend and a decade.</div>
  5. V

    Motorcycle with Camper trailer?

    <div><br></div><div>Have you ever considered a bi/tricycle? &nbsp;Maybe a recumbent?</div>
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    70s era RVs - opinions, experience, advice?

    <div><br></div><div>Having spent the last dozen winters in the Quartzsite area, the best time to get a deal on a used RV is in the early spring, because they'd rather sell them for a loss than move them for a larger loss. &nbsp;The situation is probably similar in the entire region.</div>
  7. V

    Motorcycle with Camper trailer?

    <div><br></div><div>Have you ever thought of remodeling the sidecar into a sleeper?</div>
  8. V

    Keeping stuff cold (or even frozen)

    <div><br></div><div>Is the charcoal outdoor fridge a ammonia refrigerator modified to run on charcoal?</div>
  9. V

    Nomadic off-grid cooking choices

    <div><br></div><div>Propane is unlikely to encounter the availability problems after TSHTF that butane, white gas, and other similarly exotic fuels will.</div>
  10. V

    Mobile business...

    <div><br></div><div>Just be aware that ASCAP may show up with their hand out.</div>
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    <div><br></div><div>This, from their "about" page, explains it all, "<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; line-height: 27px; ">Americas Mailbox is the only company in the country that is owned by a full time RVer that we know of."...
  12. V


    <div><br></div><div>I'm not really interested, just curious about how a full timer would run a business that would have to have a fixed location. &nbsp;I've thought about having a mail forwarding business some day, but the fixed location keeps eluding me, every time I start my home:-)</div>
  13. V


    <div><br></div><div>Because it is physical mail, it requires the physical presence of those who run the business, which is difficult if they are not in proximity, as full-timers are unlikely to be. &nbsp;Anyone who handles another's legal documents probably has to be bonded, which is probably...
  14. V

    concerns of a potential convert

    If you want to convert a cargo trailer, you would really benefit from a dialogue with Bob Wells, the owner of this group and forum. &nbsp;He has a cargo trailer he pulls behind a pickup, and works in an unwired campground in the Sierras in the summer.</div>
  15. V


    <div><br></div><div>Their cheapest plan is $99 a year and limited to 7 pieces of mail therein, which I'd have a hard time cutting down to. &nbsp;The vehicle registration is tempting, but I've already got mine in a Wyoming county which will send my renewal anywhere I specify, where my unlimited...
  16. V

    Living off the land

    <div>Not to mention the protection it would provide from Dick Cheney's shotgun:-)</div><div><br></div>
  17. V

    I have an Insurance question

    <div><br></div><div>$225 would buy a lot of locks and alarms.</div>
  18. V

    Living off the land

    <div><br></div><div>They probably wouldn't admit to it if they do so on federal land.</div><div>One could probably feed oneself with nothing more than a half dozen well-placed snares.</div>
  19. V

    Living off the land

    <div><br></div><div>Check out</div>
  20. V

    Hi soon to be neighbors!!!!

    <div><br></div><div>Since I spend the majority of my time outside of AAA's maximum towing coverage distances, and Ford dealerships have caused more problems for my van than they have cured, I have switched to Midas, which has taken steps to propel themselves to the forefront of technological and...