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simply lesa

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2011
Reaction score
Witch Well, Arizona
Hi all,<div><br></div><div>I'm so glad to have found some like-minded ppl!&nbsp;</div><div>I seem to have gypsy or nomadic blood in me somewhere - I'm searching for an affordable 'live in' right now. &nbsp;Preferably a conversion van within my budget and without going into debt --- I have been living debt free since 2006, gave up my apartment in 2007, lived in Costa Rica with trips into Nicaragua and Panama - international hostels are so cheap and great places to meet people... Last year I built a rustic, simple, off-grid, organic home on a so-called-friend's property at her continued request over many years....only to (gulp) have it - no longer be my home (ya there is a story there - eventually I will put up a blog and explain more). &nbsp;A very disappointed me needed a break from the hard work so I bought a tent, a bottle of wine and headed for the nearest (yes free) camping on a beach - I hung my hammock, made friends with the local fisherman and enjoyed a few weeks struggling with the 'what to do next' question. &nbsp;Well, I could get a cheap flight back to FL and I thought I might like to see what had changed in the US in the 4.5 years I had been gone and I didn't have much to do or many belongings so I decided to hike the Appalacian Trail --- geez who thought I would have to walk so much (jk)! &nbsp;After the first 170ish miles I realized that I am not a long-distance hiker and the (ahem, clearing my throat) motorcycles parked at a NC highway stop may have had a good idea. &nbsp;The daydreams of RVing my way through National Parks wouldn't go away...and then I got posin ivy or something reallllllly bad, kept getting bronchtis .... and my knee ---- well. &nbsp;I'm done. &nbsp;So I have been visiting family as I pull myself together and get ready to set off again. &nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Possibly TMI - but hey, the forum is my'campfire' of the day - for now.</div><div>I hope to meet many of you here and in person. &nbsp;I feel so much relief just knowing there are others thinking and living Simply, Frugally, Debt Free, Green, Off-Grid, .... I'm glad to meet you --- and BTW thanks Bob for starting this and the website!</div><div>Simply,</div><div>Lesa</div><div><br></div>
Hi and Welcome Leesa. Wow, that's quite and adventure you've lived there. Look forward to reading about it. Past and present.
Welcome, Lesa<br><br>Lots of good folks around this campfire.<br>Good luck on your quest.<br><br>Bob (aka stude53)<br>
<P><FONT size=3>Hi Lesa! Glad you found us!&nbsp; </FONT></P>
welcome..&nbsp; There are lots of good deals out there to be had on things.<br><br>Ask lots of questions about what you are looking for.<br><br><br><br>
Welcome Lesa.....glad to have you with us and hope you find what you are looking for....<br>Bri<br><br>
Sounds like quite an adventure you've had so far! I'm jealous!!<br><br>Check out our blogs, so much great information, and wonderful stories that will help keep you inspired!<br>
So today I talked w/a guy about a camper and now I'm feeling wierd. &nbsp;Sure there are the scarey feelings of getting in over my head and the excited feelings of a possible 'home' of sorts. &nbsp;I have been living minimalistically and simply for a number of years and have lived in van before so I am not really a newbie to this lifestyle although it has been a while. &nbsp;I move fairly often. &nbsp;Everything I own fits into a less than 30# backpack. &nbsp;I have my kitchen - a hiker stove &amp; kettle - my bathrm stuff - my bed (gotta have trees for a hammock-great on the back tho). &nbsp;I have been 'inside' visiting others mostly for 2 months now and it's driving me crazy. &nbsp;I miss the trees, the weather and cooking on a fire...I'm tired of listening to others tv's and cellphones and their endless conversations about how hard it is to live simple (when they are trying to re-mortgage a house to make an investment b/c they hate their jobs?). &nbsp;I hung my hammock outside the past 3 days and spent some time there. &nbsp;I so miss it although it was not quite the right 'home' for me either - it wasn't safe enough. &nbsp;I was sooooo alone - and thunderstorms were crazy hard scarey! &nbsp;How do I juggle this major decision? &nbsp;As good a deal as this project camper is, as probly managable a project, I just can't seem to do this, it feels .... how to describe it... too permanent? perhaps too big? &nbsp;I can't just toss my stuff in and take off. &nbsp;To live in this camper, I would have to plan A LOT, I couldn't be very spontenious. &nbsp;Perhaps I should think about just getting a vehicle - a car or something, I don't think I can afford a van and I don't know how to drive a motorcycle - yet? <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> &nbsp; I haven't camped in campgrounds for quite some time - perhaps a large tent and a cot or one of those air mattresses with legs or even a stand for my trusty hammock, sleeping on the ground gets old after about a month. &nbsp;I would prefer to live simply enough, here in the US, so I can save some money. &nbsp;I would like an emergency fund again and I think I might rather prefer having a high-top conversion van ????&nbsp;<div>Anyone have any advice? &nbsp;Any of you been 'here' before? &nbsp;The idea of having a camper is somehow not so simple, not so free - &nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
I think it's best to do it in whatever way will work best for your long term peace of mind. You're accustomed to traveling very light so a van seems better suited to your immediate needs/minimalist style of travel.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>I mean that based on what you're saying.</div><div><br></div>
<FONT size=3>Welcome Lesa.</FONT><BR><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT size=3>When I decided to live in my truck camper I did do some planning. I knew from life's experience that a reliable well maintained van, car etc. was the most important thing. I need to be worry free. My truck is paid for. I have it maintained at the dealer with dealer parts. I am not a mechanic. There is a Chrysler/Dodge dealership in just about every town. I have AAA. </FONT><BR><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT size=3>Having said that. I was able to get a high rise cap for $800. My thread "Simple Survival Expedition" has the full story with details. I too am a minimalist. Everything in the home on wheels&nbsp;has to be compact and not in need of repairs. I pretty well built everything myself. </FONT><BR><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT size=3>Money.</FONT><BR><FONT size=3>You have to have steady income and a bankroll. I make and sell inexpensive wire wrapped rings.</FONT><BR><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT size=3>I carry&nbsp; some cash, my bank card as well as several credit cards in case of a major truck&nbsp;expense.</FONT><BR><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT size=3>I have only traveled in Canada. There are many reasons for that. Free health care. Handguns only available to collectors or sportsmen with club memberships. Long guns for farmers and hunters. Of course the criminals have them. Never had a problem with the police.&nbsp;I have never been woken up and told to move my truck when I was parked in a city or town. They have stopped to see the inside and smiled at the lifestyle. Never been searched.&nbsp;Just keep your nose clean and there should be no problem.&nbsp;This winter I plan on going to Vancouver Island or the Okanagan Valley on the US border in British Columbia. Very mild winters.</FONT><BR><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT size=3>Bon chance est bon vie&nbsp;ma chere ami. Yes French is one of the languages we speak here. <IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="https://vanlivingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif"></FONT><BR><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR>
johnny_canuck said:
<font size="3">Welcome Lesa.</font><br><font size="3"></font>&nbsp;<br><font size="3">When I decided to live in my truck camper I did do some planning. I knew from life's experience that a reliable well maintained van, car etc. was the most important thing. I need to be worry free. My truck is paid for. I have it maintained at the dealer with dealer parts. I am not a mechanic. There is a Chrysler/Dodge dealership in just about every town. I have AAA. </font><br><font size="3"></font>&nbsp;<br><font size="3">Having said that. I was able to get a high rise cap for $800. My thread "Simple Survival Expedition" has the full story with details. I too am a minimalist. Everything in the home on wheels&nbsp;has to be compact and not in need of repairs. I pretty well built everything myself. </font><br><font size="3"></font>&nbsp;<br><font size="3">Money.</font><br><font size="3">You have to have steady income and a bankroll. I make and sell inexpensive wire wrapped rings.</font><br><font size="3"></font>&nbsp;<br><font size="3">I carry&nbsp; some cash, my bank card as well as several credit cards in case of a major truck&nbsp;expense.</font><br><font size="3"></font>&nbsp;<br><font size="3">I have only traveled in Canada. There are many reasons for that. Free health care. Handguns only available to collectors or sportsmen with club memberships. Long guns for farmers and hunters. Of course the criminals have them. Never had a problem with the police.&nbsp;I have never been woken up and told to move my truck when I was parked in a city or town. They have stopped to see the inside and smiled at the lifestyle. Never been searched.&nbsp;Just keep your nose clean and there should be no problem.&nbsp;This winter I plan on going to Vancouver Island or the Okanagan Valley on the US border in British Columbia. Very mild winters.</font><br><font size="3"></font>&nbsp;<br><font size="3">Bon chance est bon vie&nbsp;ma chere ami. Yes French is one of the languages we speak here. <img border="0" align="absMiddle" src="https://vanlivingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif"></font><br><font size="3"></font>&nbsp;<br>
<div><br></div><div>Since I spend the majority of my time outside of AAA's maximum towing coverage distances, and Ford dealerships have caused more problems for my van than they have cured, I have switched to Midas, which has taken steps to propel themselves to the forefront of technological and technical proficiency. &nbsp;There are Midas locations in places where there are no dealerships, and they all honor their nationwide warranty.</div>

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