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  1. R

    Keeping heat out with paint?

    I wonder what the R was on the space shuttle?  They used tiles if I remember right and the tiles kept coming off giving them trouble.  Perhaps now at long last we can go back to the Moon if this new stuff really works good?  No insulation value but if we mixed up tiny pieces of...
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    low profile mattress for two question

    I like my memory foam mattress.  It is expensive but I'm a big guy that needs cush.  I have an over kill mattress of about 8 inches and smile everytime I get into bed.  You spend about half your life in bed so make it blissful.
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    Buying a TT this fall to live in FT

    Welcome aboard Dazzlecat.  A word of caution to you, don't blab that you have lots of money or even any money.  I think your plans are good just don't tip your hand.  There are many vipers out there in cyberspace who will pick your pocket clean if given half a chance.
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    Still undecided about home base state

    OREGON has no sales tax and some counties are fee free for vehicle emisions.  Check into South Dakota I hear their residency requirements can't be beat.  If you are a full time rv'er hit the states while on your camping tour then they are never out of reach.  Save your money for...
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    Homeless in America (site link for good up to date info)

    Time to move out with truck and trailer.  Sell what you can and come to Arizona.  You don't like it there anyway.  Arizona rent is mostly free on BLM land.  Be King of all you survey.  If you want neighbors camp near them and get aquainted.  Arizona only has...
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    Camping / hiking gear

    Read The Complete Walker by Colin Fletcher he was like the Father of backpacking a few years back.  Now days with almost everything made in China it is getting harder to find good quality camping gear and the prices are rising every day.  Pay no attention to price when you are...
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    Quartzsite vendor question

    You can buy a 12v and AC re frig/freezer combo at  The brand name is Edgestar and they have three models to choose from.  84 Quart, 63 Quart and a 42 Quart.  I got the 63 qt and love it.  I put it in the back seat of my pick up for use with...
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    The Story of Your Enslavement

    We are creatures of habit.  Our CONTROLLERS keep us under control by subliminal messages received by watching TV and going to the movies.  Throw your TV away, it is evil. 
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    Quartzsite rants and raves

    I heard a rumor last year that Q was being investagated by the FBI.  Wonder what gives with that? 
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    The Story of Your Enslavement

  11. R


    <p>The stories you hear about rattlesnakes chasing people come from snakes that are up hill from the person that invaded the snakes territory.&nbsp; The snake wants to get away as fast as possible and because of gravity will slither down hill.&nbsp; People then think the snake is chasing...
  12. R

    Yeti cooler questions

    <p>I've used block ice in Coleman type coolers and the melting rate is dependent on putting the cooler in the shade up off the ground wrapped in sleeping bags.&nbsp; When you need something inside the cooler unwrap and get in quick, then slam the lid shut tight and re wrap the cooler in the...
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    Spiders and tigers and bears, oh my!

    <p>Ah twokniveskatie neatly folded bloomers is the first step on the long road to enlightenment.&nbsp; Is not cleanliness next to Godliness?&nbsp; So it follows then...</p>
  14. R

    Yeti cooler questions

    <p>Forget the ice and get a Refrigerator/Freezer.&nbsp; EdgeStar has three open top ones that work just dandy.&nbsp; Go to&nbsp; and take a look at them.&nbsp; For 4 or 5 hundred bucks you can live in style.&nbsp; They work on A/C or 12 volt DC.&nbsp; They are designed to...
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    Spiders and tigers and bears, oh my!

    <p>I was once told that there are more spiders per acre than anything else.&nbsp; They are everywhere.&nbsp; I live in a fiberglass house on wheels that is sealed.&nbsp; My Casita travel trailer is a molded bottom like a bath tub,&nbsp; then the molded top is put on and sealed.&nbsp; It is...
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    Marriage & RVing

    <p>Been married for 41 years.&nbsp; Living this life is hard but it is supposed to be.&nbsp; I use to have a teacher that use to say, " take what you want in life...but pay the price ".&nbsp; Living this wonderful life is full of trade offs.&nbsp; You can't be like Madonna and want AND&nbsp;have...
  17. R

    Which kind are you?

    <p>Don't fence me in...&nbsp; Could that pertain to the wall the US Government is building across our southern border with Mexico?&nbsp; Kind of reminds me of the movie The Magnificent Seven when the outlaw bandit snickers to the good guys and says, " that wall won't keep us out ".&nbsp; Yul...
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    Which kind are you?

    <p>mockturtle,&nbsp; I have had dealings with the Railroad Police and they sure don't like people riding the rails for free.&nbsp; They are very nasty, rude and un-polite and will put lumps and bums on you at times.&nbsp; But in the Great Silver State of Nevada you can actually stop a train all...
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    Which kind are you?

    <p>I was fortunate enough to grow up in the city and country.&nbsp; The country is better by far, but not perfect.&nbsp; Small towns have narrow minded people that love to know what you are up too.&nbsp; City people don't care so long as you don't bother them.&nbsp; So finding somewhere in...
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    New vacume cleaner by Shark

    <p>Cubey,&nbsp; that's a good idea.&nbsp; For a really small dust pan and whisk broom combo look in the camping section of sporting goods stores&nbsp;or maybe even Walmart.&nbsp; I still have the one I used for Backpacking.&nbsp; It works like magic inside tents with sew in floors.&nbsp; It...