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  1. T

    Hammock In a Minivan

    This is cool. I had no idea that other people had discovered hammocks as a space-friendly bed.<br /><br />I posted a while back on these forums about using my woven hammock as a bed, and still plan to do so. Once I purchase my van (looking at one this week), I will likely start a sort of...
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    Final and Critical Questions!

    Wow, thanks a bunch for the extraordinary response, Bob. I know it seems silly to mention the possibility of death from cold weather given that natives survived here in Illinois before any of our modern comforts existed, and I am absolutely sure that I can make it work for a winter even if I...
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    Final and Critical Questions!

    <strong>IGBT</strong>, I'm afraid the amount of money I have saved makes keeping my current job imperative, unless I wish to sacrifice funds for the van.<br /><br /><strong>Journeyman</strong>, I also considered this, and ways to protect the mechanisms in the door, but if I can get fiberglass in...
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    Final and Critical Questions!

    Thanks so much for the responses, everyone. I am not too worried about the viability of someone living in a van during the winter, but, as I said in the original post, it's these tips and bits of knowledge that I don't have which make me worry about trying it myself.<br /><br...
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    Final and Critical Questions!

    This is it, man. It's nearing my exodus from my current house (Dec. 31st, 2012), and moving into an apartment to live paycheck to paycheck will only cripple -- if not kill -- my chance to transition into van life. I have only months to find, purchase, and modify my van, so I have to act soon...
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    "It's not the years, it's the mileage" - or is it?

    I'm no professional mechanic, but I have picked up some experience with cars through my family, and fixing the various problems with my own (I have owned 2 cars now, both 100k+ miles). My current vehicle is 20 years old with 130k miles, and my previous was 15 years old with 160k...
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    Hobbies on the Road

    <br><br>That's interesting. I wouldn't think that anyone to play role playing games would be the same person to embark on this kind of lifestyle. Then again, I may just have the wrong friends. I play D&amp;D with my friends on the occasion, and I have played some RPGs online in the past...
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    Hobbies on the Road

    I plan to train harder and with more commitment in parkour, a physical activity that expresses freedom. I plan to engineer my van into a functioning piece of awesome with moving parts to optimize space, a lighting system that pulses with music, a desktop computer integrated and a set of wifi...
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    conversion vrs cargo vans?

    I am planning to use a cargo van. I am also planning to use a fairly new cargo van, as I assume exposed/scratched metal on the interior, from whatever duties it served before me, may have begun rusting if it's older. Also, I am a self proclaimed engineer who enjoys conceiving, drafting, and...
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    A while back I was considering how to keep my stuff safe in a van. My first thought was simple: how much does a safe cost? But then I thought "Why buy a safe when I could just hide it really well?" This led me to a search for 'decoy safes'.<br><br>For precious belongings and valuable of smaller...
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    The hard pink foam, which I have used for several projects in the past, squeaks like a dying mouse when it rubs against metal. I had to saw through a bunch of it once and it was like sawing through a chalk board with my fingernails. I can imagine the other hard foams would do the same.<br><br>If...
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    paleo on the road

    Bob, I agree that fire was used since near the beginning, and so I consider grilled food to be in the paleo category. It's such a broad framework for a diet which is based on such a little known set of facts that many people take it to different degrees, and there's nothing to say who's right or...
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    paleo on the road

    I used to live by the paleo diet for about 3 months. I didn't do it because of weight management or blood sugar; if I wanted to manage me weight I would eat a chocolate cake every day and gain a few pounds. I used the paleo diet as a natural high energy diet for parkour, a sport that involves...
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    Nervous Yet Excited

    <span id="post_message_">Greetings, Drifter. I have been exploring this site for a couple months now, so I am fairly new as well. I'm also young at only 20 years old, but I won't be departing for van life for another year or so.<br><br>My uncles are big on cars, and they both worked in the...
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    Meat and freezers?

    I was just reading up on this, because I plan to learn bow hunting so I can hunt while certain animals are in season. I am relieved to hear that freezers can draw as little as 3amps... I was wondering how I would store meat myself.<br><br>I also looked up several videos a while back while...
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    Tao Seeker's Budget

    Thanks for the references to some alternative inverters. The problem I have with the lead acid batteries isn't just the recommendation of AGM, but also that I have a terrible track record with maintaining things (could never keep pets, would forget to feed them) and with haphazard setups when it...
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    Need Help Charging My Batteries

    I did look at chargers and controllers for a bit (confused about the difference initially). This just led to confusion, though. I think I will play it safe and make it a rule to not hook up any high power entertainment (computer, mostly) to the batteries until I have solar installed. Besides my...
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    Hey Everyone!

    I have not found the van yet. Because I plan to buy with cash in pocket and I have lots of experienced mechanics and auto body men in the family, I find it both convenient and safe to buy off of craigslist or a similar source. For this reason, I won't begin looking for a van until I have 5-7...
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    Tao Seeker's Budget

    As an introduction: I'm a 20 year old guy looking for a full time job to begin my transformation into van living. I will be suburban camping, so I will have both commercial resources, as well as some patches of woods here and there (mostly staying urban). This is a small list which I have...
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    Hey Everyone!

    I am currently living with the parents, and I actually have a part time job at a local gym. Free membership, so free showers. It's a great deal, and some gyms (*cough! cardinal fitness *cough!) higher people REALLY part time, meaning 10 hours or less a week (this can easily be fitted with a...