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  1. accrete

    [split] How do I install a vent in a Fiberglass Roof

    ( ; I think I would still be paying for that one if I had. Her hair was soooooooo sticky and wasted even with the 77 ; )
  2. accrete

    stove thread

    Greetings, On the gelled alcohol with pellets? I tried a product called "Lightning Bug" fire starters before the gell. Epic fail. The pellets didn't even begin to catch. When I read the reviews of the Firefly the negative reviews were from peeps who used everything but gell to start things. I...
  3. accrete

    Should I buy a New Van? Need help with this decision!

    ^ what they said : ) And... even though our rig is paid off, we still find ourselves tweaking it here and there. We did choose to save and pay for the mods in cash so they are not out of the _budget_. I think it is fairly common for these types of things to be sort of a work-in-progress...
  4. accrete

    Slider or swing door?

    When we were researching and shopping for a van back in fall of 2010 I had one real focus and that was an AWD full size platform as we'd had Volvo XC wagons in the driveway for years. So that limited the possibilities to a full size GMC/Chevy 1500. Looking at what was available on West Coast...
  5. accrete

    stove thread

    +1 on the toast accessory. And Ken, the designer, has some fun ideas. Good quality simple camp stove items and service is fast. Didn't get to toaster accessory with ours as we already had  _this one_ in camp. Thom
  6. accrete

    What are must have kitchen supplies/tools for full-time dwelling?

    Our camp kitchen must have includes (like many others) ...some sort of crock-pot or thermal-cooker. In our full time rig we use the 7L Saratoga Jacks TC since we have access to a nice big fridge for left overs. BUT in camp we have to go with a smaller size TC around ~3L as we cook for one...
  7. accrete

    Who makes the best metal ice chest?

    Greetings BigT. I see you are still pondering a solution : ) Your most recent idea on building the wood/styro box is IMO sound. Just find a tupperwear/etc tote that is an appropriate size for the food you wish to cool and build a box around it. We have two Engel Deep Blue coolers that are too...
  8. accrete

    stove thread

    I enjoyed the reread of this thread and since it had been a couple season's since my last post I wanted to update our camp kitchen thoughts. We still use the single burner butane stove as our main cook stove as we did at my OP. Though we've added a few fun things in the mix. Stovetec...
  9. accrete

    Slider or swing door?

    We've got a slider on our 2010 full size chevy and while the "noise" isn't a bother to me, the wife has stated she would really like a silent mode on it! And of course the slider noise is, as someone said, everyone in camp will know it was you ;P If you go with a swing out side door plan you...
  10. accrete

    New all electric VW microbus

    little easier link for info on the possible electric vw bus: link to article Fun times, Thom
  11. accrete

    [split] How do I install a vent in a Fiberglass Roof

    IMO, nice thinking outside the van-box GypsyDogs. When you get the mod done hopefully you can share some images. ? ! Thom
  12. accrete


    Following along with shade-tech posts and got a link to share. I don't know what level of sun/shade protection you are looking for, but if you want something along the same lines as the 90% blocker but not-quite : ) ... you might read up on the "Sun Shade Mesh" tarps. No affiliation, and I've...
  13. accrete

    [split] How do I install a vent in a Fiberglass Roof

    Insulation on ceiling ? Well, in hindsight, the first step is make sure your partner (in my case, my dearly beloved MacGirlver) is wearing a shower cap! 3M77 Adhesive spray on the bare fiberglass and on the bubble-wrap/foil let set 1 minute, then apply. Thom
  14. accrete

    Should I buy a New Van? Need help with this decision!

    well I read from post 1 through 26. I was one of votes for keeping the van. I'm no mechanic, though it sounds like you like your van (well... ding-less maybe : ) and it is running fine. Best wishes on the decision. I suppose whatever you decide, it will all work out and will be just another...
  15. accrete

    Class A RV makes no $$ sense

    THX much, really appreciated. That is how we arrived and rig 1 and now 2. Basically told the sales team that if they had any glimmer of hope in selling us anything we need alone time with it. That said, of course you and I both know there's no _perfect_ rig, nearly everything has it's...
  16. accrete

    Class A RV makes no $$ sense

    Greetings, My vote ( : I have _one_ : ) is to leave this thread unlocked. I read from 1 > 90 and picked up some good insights. Why am I here at Cheap RV Living forums? To learn from others. To share what is working for my wife and I...knowing we are not the only ones doing similar, and...
  17. accrete

    here's what I expect for electrics in my conversion van

    : ) thx for the correction on the location. I just noticed the French thing and went all the way with it. My wife really likes the Butane stove. I was unsure when I introduced the idea several years ago, but it is now a favorite part of our camp set up. Thom
  18. accrete

    Roadtrek - ground clearance issues?

    while I don't have an RT, I do follow the Roadtreking group. They seem to get even the LWB sprinters into any place they _really_ want to : ) so the chevy/ford based RTs should be fine taking into consideration all the above good-to-know common sense tips/posts. I can say on our chevy awd van...
  19. accrete

    What kind of food do you like when camping

    Like many above we mix it up. On a typical 5 to 6 days between civilization on adventures we will start out with fresh for days 1 and 2. Go into the frozen-near-thawed out of the ice-cooler on days 3 and 4, go canned/bagged meat/quinoa/rice/bean type meals on days 5 and 6. Yes we also enjoy MTN...
  20. accrete cooling/refrigeration needed!

    yea the name is too funny. and yes I dug the movie! The show stopper for me is "Soy"... my wife and I avoid that ingredient at all cost. Thom