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  1. corky52

    Not feeling the (Renogy) solar love...

    Field QC, welcome to modern corporate cost saving plans.  One unit bad every so often doesn't lose you many customers if it saves enough money. Corky
  2. corky52

    Zombie Quad!

    Lee, I know the things normally shut down when the rider falls off, that's what made it look weird.  It did shut down when I grabbed the throttle and then let go, so I figure something stuck when the rider went off.  Once I got it stopped I didn't mess with it further, don't know much about...
  3. corky52

    Zombie Quad!

    Out for my walk this morning and what do I see, a riderless Quad putting down the trail!  The quad was being guided by the canter bump in the trail, and at idle it was just bumping along.  First thing I did was kill the motor on the zombie and then did a check to make sure I had my cell...
  4. corky52

    Stuck Here!!

    Dusty, If I still had gas,  I'd still be driving the towed. Corky
  5. corky52

    Stuck Here!!

    HDR, Nothing much works well in a sandy wash bottom.  The tires on both of the units I linked to are a fairly soft plastic and worked better than I expected in soft sand, they spread out a fair amount.  I'd rather have an ATV wagon, but that is a monster space eater, no room for one...
  6. corky52

    Returning to RV-ing

    With your health history I'd carry both a good cell phone and a Spot. Corky
  7. corky52

    Stuck Here!!

    WriterMS Dolly I linked to folds flat, 33 x 19 x,3", and  is solid enough to be the bottom of a stack of things in storage bay, when collapsed.  Wheels are 7" in diameter.  This is the least space device when folded [SIZE=5]I have found with wheels that will work across many surfaces.  In...
  8. corky52

    Stuck Here!!

    HDR, I just saw a gasoline powered blender at a garage sale a few weeks  back, used a chainsaw motor. :D I use a small inverter, same one I use on the Food saver, to run a standard blender/processor. Corky
  9. corky52

    Stuck Here!!

    HDR, Foodsaver is one of my favorite kitchen toys!!!!!!!!! The canisters are also great and I can't cook meat without vacuum marinating it, makes cheap cuts taste great. I've seen lids that fit some cans, several sizes that purport to work with Foodsaver, haven't gotten to trying them yet. I...
  10. corky52

    Stuck Here!!

    WriterMs, Most people don't spend the time to chop things nearly fine enough, most plant surfaces are designed to keep moisture in thus greatly reducing water yield.  Three or more pits, two hours gathering and one hour chopping.  I would NOT recommend trying to live this way, just gather enough...
  11. corky52

    Theadyn's van and trip log

    Stealth is highly overrated!  A modified trailer is easy to over look for a couple of days in many places. Corky
  12. corky52

    Theadyn's van and trip log

    Why not a comfortable/economical car and a small trailer? Corky
  13. corky52

    Stuck Here!!

    HDR, Food is only a problem in the sense that I've used the good stuff and let the yuck stuff accumulate in storage.  I usually shop once a week even though I carry a month's plus food in the rig, over time I've let the stuff I've bought two of, tried one and didn't like it, so the second goes...
  14. corky52

    Stuck Here!!

    Belinda2, Thanks, I'm fine, storm was really kind of cool, only lost power for a bit, roads took a real beating and lots of downed/blown apart oak trees.  RV stayed nice and dry inside and I had all the outside stuff stowed. Main road ( a county gravel road) had a culvert plug and the resulting...
  15. corky52

    Stuck Here!!

    Lee, I'm no danger, it's just the unexpected rearing it's head and making me think.  Torrential downpours from nasty thunderstorms aren't exactly normal in mid-summer Southern California.    The rapid change of circumstance just brought some experiences I thought worth posting. Corky
  16. corky52

    Stuck Here!!

    It isn't just about the food, it's as much or more about tools and supplies.  I found that what I thought was more than enough rope, was just barely adequate, and might not have been enough in other circumstances.  The three pair of work gloves I usually carry should have been at least five...
  17. corky52

    Stuck Here!!

    gcal, I'm just going to have to plan better before I shop.  I'm also planning better on what's being stored, have gotten sloppy and this was a wake-up call.  Much of the stuff I've let get into storage is to high in salt and very fattening, will be changing that. I've also realized the need to...
  18. corky52

    Stuck Here!!

    I'm not in any danger, just some mild inconvenience. Have you looked at solar water stills and how to use a still to extract water from plant material?  A shovel, a plastic bag of a larger size and a clean can are all you need to start.  You can upgrade from those very basic parts, to a fairly...
  19. corky52

    Stuck Here!!

    I'm going to add more cheap work gloves and more rope to my stores.  I plan to park the Tracker on the good side of the major washout and walk to and from it, using rope to get up and down the washout, gloves make climbing easier and cleaner. Nothing like a safe test run! Corky
  20. corky52

    Stuck Here!!

    Thunderstorms took out the main road and the better of the two alternates, the towed will get in and out on the second side trail/road, but RV is fixed in place for about a week from the sound of it.  Still have water and after about six hours power is back, cable is still working, so life isn't...