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  1. Where~the~wind~blows

    not quite new, but not old either

    Hey Girlfriend! Yeah life got severely in the way and I lost my path but I am back on track and working at it 110%....I hear ya... I knew back in Dec that I has really derailed... ~Autumn attached is a pic of one teed off kitty!
  2. Where~the~wind~blows

    not quite new, but not old either

    Hey, Patrick... No worries, I own a pet salon, and for almost 2 years was the only groomer, Last January, I was found unconscious in my van and was forced to hire a new groomer or close the shop. It was tough going for the first few months but it's back on track now, and making money again...
  3. Where~the~wind~blows

    Keeping a 30 day food supply on board

    you can hunt for other things too, like rabbit, squirrel,
  4. Where~the~wind~blows

    not quite new, but not old either

    I have been coming to these forums for 3 years now, and On the old forum I had I different handle which I don't remember, but it doesnt matter really. I wanted to reintroduce myself.... I am a full time vandweller again. I moved into an apartment and caved to the idea of more space, I stayed...
  5. Where~the~wind~blows

    Blacking out Conversion Van windows easy while insulating them

    I like this idea, I am using the floor rubber mats that are ridged enough to stand up, the edges are like puzzle pieces.... and I slipped them infront of my shades on the van and wella no glue tape or anything needed, I do have a 1 1/2 inch gap at the top but I can live with that but it is...
  6. Where~the~wind~blows

    Northeast PA Informal gathering

    No worries! have a grand fourth of JULY!
  7. Where~the~wind~blows

    Northeast PA Informal gathering

    SUPER! I'll send you the a PM
  8. Where~the~wind~blows

    Northeast PA Informal gathering

    Hey folks, I have a home (well kinda) explain later in NE PA, I will be there from June 30 to July 9, I can offer a free place to park, a working bathroom YAY! and a nice deck to enjoy a BBQ, the rest of the house is still a work in progress.... I can offer limited electric and free wifi...
  9. Where~the~wind~blows

    Mechanical question

    Update: My van is at the shop as we speak, my rotors need replacing as well as my break pads and the tierod on the driver side but I will replace both, waiting for any more bad news.... I want to add that I am so greatful for this forum and a the ability to ask, and have some idea what was...
  10. Where~the~wind~blows

    Youtube Videos

    Thanks for the luvabulloo video, my problem was my hands and popping the whole top off, my loo my have fit extra tight as I used 3 liners. I would set up three liners so I could just pull one out and have the next one ready... I currently use a utility pail, It is a few inches taller than a 5...
  11. Where~the~wind~blows

    How Would You Describe the Mechanic You See in the Mirror?

    if there is a mechanic in me, I never found him/her!
  12. Where~the~wind~blows

    Mechanical question

    thank you everybody, I will have my rotors (and other parts) looked at, I'll be honest it scared the crap out of me! so I will not take any chances, thank you to a few that gave great detailed info on how to handle this until I get this fixed!
  13. Where~the~wind~blows

    Mechanical question

    The other day I drove down a very long (over 2 miles) steep grade, and as you enter this area is has a fairly big warning for large trucks. I was in PA and the road was 487, the area was called "red rock", anywho... as I descended, my steering wheel started to shake heavily, I panicked and...
  14. Where~the~wind~blows

    Why do I keep spending??

    I'm joining the party late, but my mother and I are spenders, my mom would buy things and then never use them or even take them out of the box, she like the hunt for bargains and such, but after that the thrill was gone. Me I love looking at the cool stuff, I love gadgets, I'l buy them try them...
  15. Where~the~wind~blows

    If your not cooking, What is your favorite food place?

    There was a time when money was very short, and I was living in my car, I met another who was living in her car (a Mercedes) she had lost her long time live in boyfriend to cancer and after being together for 20 years, he passed, his family literally kicked her out onto the streets only giving...
  16. Where~the~wind~blows

    If your not cooking, What is your favorite food place?

    It's sad that eating out can be cheaper at times than eating in. I think it depends on the food of course, at ihop 3, 6" pancakes can run you almost 7.00, yet I can make 6-8 for 2.00... which is to much for just me but the dogs don't mind one bite!
  17. Where~the~wind~blows

    If your not cooking, What is your favorite food place?

    I was thinking the other day how a little private deli has become my favorite place to get food when I can't or don't cook.... They will whip me up just about anything, Yesterday I had chili on a bed of lettuce with tomatoes, onions, cheese, sour cream ... it was great and only 7.00 that may...
  18. Where~the~wind~blows

    How long can you hold it?

    There are days I wish the drivers seat was a toilet....I have no shame!
  19. Where~the~wind~blows

    Cooking Baked Potato while driving

    read about this a while ago sound kinda cool! heres a book about engine cooking:
  20. Where~the~wind~blows

    Idea to save fuel costs for Van Dwellers in the city... - Scooter.

    this is a great thread, I have been considering a scooter for a year now, I will get one but am stuck in the "which is better for me" conundrum, I usually have the more is better attitude but more what? the 50 cc gives more gas milage, but larger engines give more speed... so do I want speed or...