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  1. J

    van choice help!

    Most of us drive used work vans because of the extra space and ease and cost of maintenance and resale.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
  2. J

    Open container Law?

    Does your can purr?
  3. J

    Open container Law?

    A van is not an RV. Per my understanding the laws are different. If your van is not an RV, How to you transport open containers of drinking alcohol?
  4. J

    Single females in SE Texas?

    When I had my boat I did have offers. But I did not allow certain types on my boat, Smokers, Drinkers or drug users. Also my boat was lively and they would need quick reactions not to get hurt. <br><br>Just to picky.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
  5. J

    The mini knock

    You must be a "suspicious person" or a chick magnet.&nbsp;<br><br>James Veenstra
  6. J

    Single females in SE Texas?

    IF I have an extra, I will send one your way.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
  7. J

    Doing dishes with spray bottles

    First thing is cooking method that require little clean up. That is usually one Stainless Steel pot 3 to 7 quarts. I used the pots without handles for a long time and still have one that I use. All that you really need to do is wipe it out. The next cooking will kill anything bad in it. All that...
  8. J

    Single females in SE Texas?

    Thanks, will try. I have been single for a long time. gotten used to it way to much. Sports - I am the big guy. to easy to hurt people not my size. <br><br>Signing up for dating sites, I did on this one. <br><br>James AKA Lynx
  9. J

    Gulf Goast People! The Crazy Ants Are Coming And They Want To Get All Up In Your Electronics

    I keep one of the "Roach Bait" ant traps inside my van and one of the other bugs as well. The flying ones are the hardest to get out. <br><br>Way to many bugs in the Gulf Coast area.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
  10. J

    Single females in SE Texas?

    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings></xml><![endif]--><p class="MsoNormal">Thanks for letting me know.</p><p class="MsoNormal"><span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp;</span>I am looking for a female to share the lifestyle of...
  11. J

    Single females in SE Texas?

    We shall see what turns up. I have over a year to find somebody and get trained (or not)<br><br>James AKA Lynx
  12. J

    Single females in SE Texas?

    The problem with almost all of the single women is that they cannot or do not want to travel for a year in a van. Getting a woman for the night is not much of a problem. Finding one that wants to go traveling for a year or 2 off the grid and can afford to take off is a problem!
  13. J

    bath daily $5-8/month

    Cool, the way that I get my hair looking clean is to use soft water that is in the bottled water.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
  14. J

    Single females in SE Texas?

    Any single females in SE Texas?
  15. J

    A Whole Slew of Questions

    There has been many people who's medical condition eased when they went on the full time Van/RV living. So many factors contribute. Much worse than when I was growing up. I was taught the way to protect yourself from a Nuclear Bomb attack was to hide under your desk. My heart beat was so weird...
  16. J

    A Whole Slew of Questions

    Then do it and don't burn bridges. This world is wide open. The generalities that you are asking for is bookstores full of information. I suspect that you already know a little about camping. Look and read. There is no bad books. Try to find direction if you can.<br><br>Stay out of jail. Leave...
  17. J

    A Whole Slew of Questions

    Take your van out, someplace close and primitive camp, Boondock. You will get lots of Ideas. None of this will make you any long term money. Unless you want to be a Forest Ranger.<br><br>I could advise you to take off for a year or 2 and then go back to school. This does not work for some/most...
  18. J

    Filling the hours....

    Learning the different birds and calls. Start calling them and watching. They do not care how bad you are.The same with animals, weather, stars.&nbsp; Get a basic wilderness book and learn plants, fires and weaving. The list is endless. <br><br>This is a different lifestyle. Study your needs...
  19. J

    Iwatani butane stove - opinions?

    I used 1 pound propane per week for myself. Best.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
  20. J

    Showering indoors or outdoors

    If you really want to be frugal with water, Get a 1/2 to 3 gal garden sprayer, Quart bottle and ketchup squirt bottle, Bucket and sponge. Heat the water in a kettle on the stove or let it sit in the sun. Takes about 1/2 to 3/4 gal to bath unless you have really long hair.<br><br>James AKA Lynx