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  1. Thunder Dan

    Everything is overpriced!

    I am just about convinced I need to catch a bus out there. Congratulations on the new van!
  2. Thunder Dan

    Everything is overpriced!

    Wow, I looked at all your photos of the Dodge and that is amazing!
  3. Thunder Dan

    Everything is overpriced!

    Did they negotiate the price or do you really pay the price they have listed? I might have to drive out there with a friend or catch a bus or something. They seem like good clean vans.
  4. Thunder Dan

    Everything is overpriced!

    I had no idea. Thank you, that is very handy!
  5. Thunder Dan

    Everything is overpriced!

    I am wary of taking out a loan, but it might be OK to take a small one that I could pay off quickly.
  6. Thunder Dan

    Everything is overpriced!

    I think you're right, a lot of it is just a matter of perspective. It took me a while to work out that I definitely want a cargo van, and even now, I'm only 90% sure, LOL.
  7. Thunder Dan

    Everything is overpriced!

    I just called that Memphis guy, he wouldn't come down at all. But that is a nice looking van from the pictures. The other one doesn't appeal to me. But thank you for pointing those out.
  8. Thunder Dan

    Everything is overpriced!

  9. Thunder Dan

    Everything is overpriced!

    In my last thread, I told y'all about a conversion van I was looking at, and you guys said it was overpriced. I went ahead and looked at it, test drove it, and I agree, it was overpriced. I also came to the realization that I definitely don't want a conversion van, I'd rather have a cargo...
  10. Thunder Dan

    Going to look at this one tomorrow

    Oooh or maybe this one! Of course I won't pay the price they're asking, though.
  11. Thunder Dan

    Going to look at this one tomorrow

    Seeing some of the earlier posts, I backed off on going to look at the Chevy. Instead I stayed here in town and looked at the Dodge. The dealership was closed today, so I wasn't able to get inside, but I also didn't have anyone bothering me while I looked. The tires on the Dodge were shot, the...
  12. Thunder Dan

    What happened,Where did they go?

    I am slowly making progress toward van life. I don't post much because the progress is so slow. But it is moving.
  13. Thunder Dan

    It's Happening!

    Woo! I just sold my car today too, and now I'm looking for the right van. Good luck out there!
  14. Thunder Dan

    Going to look at this one tomorrow

    Oh wow, I never even saw this one, and it's just a few miles from me! I'm definitely going to check this one out tomorrow before driving 3 hours. Thank you so much for pointing this one out.
  15. Thunder Dan

    Going to look at this one tomorrow I sold my car today so I have enough cash to buy this one. I have looked around at a few others near me, and all of them were either overpriced or had something too wrong with them for me to be comfortable buying them. I've talked to this dealer...
  16. Thunder Dan

    Should You Tell Your Family & Friends?

    I'm a 40 year old man. I am not living in a van yet, but I'm working toward it. When my mother found out (whom I haven't lived with in 20 years) she started trying to convince me not to. She has tried several tactics, telling me everything I could lose, trying to use religion, telling me it's...
  17. Thunder Dan

    I should not have bought a minivan

    Good news, everyone! I sold the minivan today. I did take a loss, but it wasn't an earth-shattering, about $450. It went to someone who I think will really enjoy it. Now I need to sell my car and then I should have enough cash to buy a van I really like. Honestly, I was stressing about the...
  18. Thunder Dan

    I should not have bought a minivan

    Definitely a very good way to approach it. Your answer has me curious, though. Do you work in mathematics or data science or a similar field?
  19. Thunder Dan

    I should not have bought a minivan

    I watch Vince and I watch your channel. I was set on a full size van until I saw Vince get the Honda. Then I thought I could do it, too, but I was wrong. I like your videos, look forward to seeing more.