Where to get water?

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I ride around and look for the external water spigots first and before asking to use them. Most gas stations have them either at the pump islands or on the building itself. I have found that QuikTrip usually has them at the pump islands so this makes things easy. I also have my own "drinking water safe" hose and a device that circumvents most wheel handles if they have been removed. (Got that on Amazon.) Many times, the attendant has simply given me their wheel handle or key to turn it on and off if one is missing and I return it after I'm finished.
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Is that normally available? Sometimes I've used the free water hose next to the free air, but those are rare.

I avoid those thinking its not potable. Or is it? Usually I think those are for filling radiator or washing things off.

The RV dump site I go to has water. And its labeled non potable water, do not drink. Just use it to give the toilet and black water tank a good flushing. I would think that goes the same with the ones at the gas station by the air, non potable?
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Only if they don't like you or are having a bad day or they feel baby boomers cheating them out of their future 🥹 Nothing to worry about probably 😭
I use bottled water for drinking and the gas station water for doing dishes, showering and the toilet. Also have one of the attached devices so I can check the water for impurities if I suspect it's not clean. I also use this for campground water and have been surprised at how bad the water can be there, even at some State and Federal parks. It only takes a few seconds to get a reading on what you're putting in your tank.


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^That's a TDS meter, "total dissolved solids".

The only thing that tells you is what it says... which is nothing about whether those dissolved solids are harmful to drink. And of course nothing about bacteria or other :poop: If the reading is over 500 ppm, then it's too high according to the EPA, but it probably won't hurt you. I have one at home, and I use it to check if my RO membrane is working.
The issue with the water supply coming from the spigot near a fuel island is the contaminants (fuel, oil, chemicals, organic matter, etc) that end up in the deteriorated and fuel soaked hoses that are attached, and possible backwash up into the spigot housing.


No thanks.

I haven’t seen a hose attached to one of these, of which I have used a few located on the side of their buildings.

I run the water a few seconds, then attach my own hose.

No problems, ever.

It’s always important to use common sense.
Well what about all the people who get their fresh water at a dump station? What all has leached over from that? And why, so many times, is the fresh water spigot right after the dump spigot that people have had their hands all over while dumping? Oh, and remind me to tell you about the time I saw someone cleaning out a cat litter box at a communal campground water spigot. I'll take my chances at a gas station where there are typically no hoses already attached. I also use my own hose and let the water run awhile before using it.
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Well what about all the people who get their fresh water at a dump station. What all has leached over from that? And why, so many times, is the fresh water spigot right after the dump spigot that people have had their hands all over while dumping? I'll take my chances at a gas station where there are typically no hoses already attached. I also use my own hose and let the water run awhile before using it.
Pay attention at dump stations as many times the fresh water hose nearest the in ground dump is non potable and for wash out only. If there is potable water offered it is usually over 20’ away and labeled as well as having too short a hose to make misuse an easy task.
A hose not attached does not mean no one has ever attached one, and if that hose had contaminants in it, and the hose was raised to fill a bucket, spray a windshield, or fill an RV tank, with the spigot off (especially with freeze-proof spigots*) then backwash can occur, which can render it unsafe. Suppose that person pulled that hose out of a bucket they used for...let's just say....waste products.

I'm not the one saying it's unsafe, but I'm guessing the insurer and/or the local authorities tell the owner or operator to mark it 'non-potable' to cover their 'assets' in case they get sued because someone got sick from e-coli...giardia...or something else.

If you consume that water, you do so at your own risk, because you ignored the signage.

Clean, safe, drinkable water is available in bottles and jugs and dispensers anywhere you buy groceries, gasoline, or camping supplies....why take chances?

*note: For those who are unfamiliar, freeze-proof or frost-proof spigots usually have a lever you lift for water flow, and they can cause a backflow from a hose as they self-drain after each use.
I always let the faucet run for at least a minute or 2.
Then I wipe it with a disinfectant wipe; inside & out.
Then I let it run sum more.
If I use a hose, I use only my own. A typical rv type hose for drinking water - 25’.

been all around the country getting water all kinds of places; haven’t got sick yet but I also never get water from any questionable place.

It’s all mostly common health sense. 🤷🏻‍♂️
jonny aqua man
Clean, safe, drinkable water is available in bottles and jugs and dispensers anywhere you buy groceries, gasoline, or camping supplies....why take chances?
Wut?! You can't be serious.

We may not all be homeless bums, but I'm pretty sure when I signed up here the forum had "cheap" in the title, and I was required to solemnly swear that I was a cheapskate.

Cheapskates do not buy hoity toity bottled water!! We drive all over town looking for free water, and only if that fails after a very thorough search will we even consider pulling a couple quarters out while we hang our head in shame, and shuffle to the vending machine, utterly defeated... :cry:

Speaking of germs, do I need to post that George Carlin clip again?...:love:

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