Waste management ideas that might help...

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Active member
Jan 17, 2025
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Hello everyone! I'm not a Vanlifer yet... I just wanted to get some ideas out that I thought might help. I'm not sure if anyone's addressed the issue at this point, but I don't feel like doing the research. :) I thought it might be a good idea to get the perspective in order. Here's what I figured might help with human waste management:

Part 1:
1) A loadable mini-cartridge toilet
2) Cartridges measure around ie: 12" x 4" x 2" (LxWxH)
3) Toilet switches between liquid and solid waste disposal
4) Store mini-cartridges compactly somewhere for the week
5) Drop-off waste cartridges at your nearest waste repository

Part 2:
1) Have at least one waste repository for every major city
2) The waste repository service provider takes and processes waste cartridges
3) Waste cartridges are emptied out by means of a sanitation machine (which sends waste to the sewer)
4) Waste cartridges are sanitized and resold or recycled
5) Product types may include ie: large/small cartridges, hard/soft cartridges, new/recycled cartridges, etc...
6) Cartridges are dropped at the unmanned repository for a price for the service (ie: $1 per cartridge)
7) Replacement cartridges may be provided by the unmanned repository for a retail price (ie: $2 per cartridge)

So this solution can cover most territories between major cities eventually as it develops. There might be a couple of bucks in it for some beer and cigarettes for the month for anyone interested in the business. :)
Hope this helps!
But best of luck with your new business venture, it is unfortunately a tough sell to person trying to live an inexpensive full time “van” lifestyle. The majority of them have no local address to pickup packages of mail order supplies from.
Welcome to the forum......please introducing yourself in the new comers section of the forum.

I think the idea will happen before long. I knew a guy back in the early 70's who was a chemist an working for a large manufactuer of disposable drinking containers. They had a mechanism that made those containers once used to become bio degradable. Don't know whatever happeed with that. We spoke about it when he assked my opinion (my field being Industrial Design). I asked him that if this relied on bacteria to consume the containers, what would be the impact of feeding such bacteria in the long run ? It may be setitng up an ideal condition for something better left in check as it is.

I like the idea of recycling both the waste and the container it's disposed in. But since this deals in human waste, perhaps a chemical catylist that would emulsify the containers as well prior to this going into the waste treatment process may be more expeditious. Then these containers be made of recycled materials as well. Then returns would all be machine accomodated from beginning to end.
(coin op disposability)

As for return facilities, these could be located in Truck Stops and large Service Stations where electric car recharge facilities exist. (in time Electric Vans may be the choice of Van Nomads who would benefit from this service as well)

Just my thoughts.
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But best of luck with your new business venture, it is unfortunately a tough sell to person trying to live an inexpensive full time “van” lifestyle. The majority of them have no local address to pickup packages of mail order supplies from.
maki2, thanks for your input. I figured used containers could be deposited into the repository to be sanitized and cycled out again for a small fee, so you can pick them up as you go...
My 55$ Walmart portapotti is still working jez fine and that’s expensive to those using a 5 gal bucket and a plastic bag.

jonny boi shittin & gittin
I can see that you are on the concept development stage and are perhaps trying to do market reasearch and find investors.

Your concept is better suited to Europe where RVs are way smaller and a “cassette toilet” is the standard toilet. RVs in the USA such as motorhomes, travel trailers and camper vans are manufactured with built in waste water tanks. You talking about changing the current national standard for recreational vehicles without having even one waste management company signed up to participate. Do you even have a working model to present to the RV industry and waste management industry? Do you have the 3D injection molded design model completed and tested? Do you a price quote from a facility that does injection molding? Sometimes when you show up on forums you run into persons such as myself who know a bit of something about bringing a product from concept to fruition.
maki2, I wasn't aware I had posted anything that might offend anyone to such an extent to be deserving of such a bashing. Your reply was really offensive and should be reported. This thread needs to be closed. I'm out.
maki2, I wasn't aware I had posted anything that might offend anyone to such an extent to be deserving of such a bashing. Your reply was really offensive and should be reported. This thread needs to be closed. I'm out.
A nationwide distribution system for turning in plastic containers of pee and poop from portable toilets then shipping them off to get emptied and sanitized and ship them back for reuse? Does that require a bio waste label for the semi trailer?
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I got to thinking about it just last night by chance... It's actually a pretty good solution if the disposal accessories were made as disposable waste bags with a plastic ring at the upper-most part of the bag...

This would make for a much more efficient unmanned disposal system. The waste bags could be slid on to a slide bar to be processed in series; the machine can be engineered to cut a slit into the bottom side of the bag to empty it out to a sewage compartment, after which the empty bag can be washed and placed in a recyclable materials storage compartment for temporary storage for pickup at a later time. Machines might be made accessible by means of an online interface for capacity updates and diagnostics.

So these disposable waste bags might be a relatively inexpensive solution for poor Vanlifers possibly priced at around the amount of the cost of a box of ziplock bags.

Key takeaways:
Poop in the bags.
Store the bags until day of disposal.
Find a disposal station.
Place waste bags on the slide bar in series.
The machine processes each bag individually.
The machine washes the bags in a subsequent process.
Washed bags are stored for recycling.

There is already a company producing a camping toilet with a bag system. The bags are on a roll. You push a button and the toilet twist up bag capturing the human waste contents and then stores it in a compartment and automatically lines the bowl with a new bag off the roll. That toilet system with no touch waste disposal product has been on the market for around 5 years or so.

Having an inventive mind is great, keep at it. But one thing every inventor most also do is after having a concept take the time to do two things, see what is already being sold is the first one. The second one is to do a search to see if there is an existing patent that has been issued for a very similar concept. There are free apps to assist in the patent search aspect of product development around now that free to use AIs have moved into common use.

I spent more than 20 years working with a professional product designer, he has a degree in the subject. He has a great many patents to his name including for work he did for major corporations such as Hewlett-Packard Packard, and IBM. He has also worked with individuals who needed help getting concepts turned into reality. I used to help with the CAD modeling, assembling, creating prototypes for testing and doing background research when interfaces with existing items was required. I also did some of the patent searches.

I am not being negative when I suggest things to you. You simply need some guidance to help you get from having an idea to finding out if there is any hope of getting it to market. That path begins by doing two basic things, seeing what is already being sold and looking to see if an existing patent is going to stop you from being able to sell the product without getting into a lawsuit. Ideas are actually the easiest part of the whole job of getting a product from concept to producing an income. One of the most difficult is finding the financing. Have you learned how to research, write and file for a patent? You will need one if you invent a product and do not want it stolen from you. There are free online lessons for that. Giving away your ideas in a public forum when you have no legal protection on your concepts is not a great way to start a product design business.
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Sounds like a solution looking for a problem that doesn't exist. I took a patent class from a patent attorney from phizer & learned how to make & break patents. Idea for a name. Drum Roll Please
🤩Bag O Sh*t 🤩 & if you add a larger size 🤩Big Bag O **** 🤩 No charge for that 🥳
It wasn't a venture I was posting about, just an idea I thought might help. Like I said on my first post, I wasn't interested in doing any research... Most individuals have the common understanding about what the business side of things entails. We understand there's alot that goes into getting a good product idea to market. I think you need to get out more... You seem to be losing touch with with the flow of things. Lighten up a bit. :)
What me out of touch? What a laugh that was to see. You have no idea just how in touch with the subject I am🤣
Tomorrow I will be a BLM volunteer on duty at the “ Blue Boy” poop and pee waste disposal station making sure everyone who comes to use it has paid for a pass and knows how to use the facility. It is pretty easyto use that facility.
As to recycling, that waste goes into a septic tank where it naturally gets broken down by bacterial action. The waste containers it arrives in are rinsed out by the owners right there on the spot and that rinse water also goes into the septic tank. Then the tanks go right back to the vans with the owner for reuse. That is way more ecological than your own recycling stream scenario.

I have been living this life full time for a number of years. One thing I have noticed is that the “Newbies” who have never before experienced Van Living are often totally obsessed with how they are personally handling how to go potty without a flush toilet. It seems to dominate their every conversation when they meet new people. It seems to take them about a year to quit making it the topic they launch into when making new friends. Us out of touch old timers in the Van Life figured it out years ago, it is just another camp chore, not a big deal. Of course many of us have also been parents who have changed a thousand diapers and then took care of all those accidents during the potty training stage. So we are not nearly as squeamish as many younger people about emptying a portable toilet or draining out a black water tank in a RV or camper van.
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Why not make the bag biodegradable so there's no reason to empty, clean, disinfect, rehandle, repackage or ship? You might have something new & sellable then. Not just another bunch of Sh*t in a baggie as we already have 🤩
Maybe you're getting an answer to your question about whether your idea will help ...

Usually what people do with ideas that they're not willing to invest a lot in is, er, share them and then let them go.

I thought people were remarkably generous with their time and their own ideas, for someone who started the thread announcing they can't be bothered to do the research.

Ideas are a dime a dozen.
Ideas that someone is willing to do the research on are a dollar a dozen.
Ideas that someone has put the work in to develop are maybe a hundred bucks a dozen.
Ideas that succeed are a million bucks apiece.

And btw most people do NOT "have a common understanding about what the business side of things entails." If you haven't run a business yourself you have no forking clue.

(I was gonna say something like this [but shorter] at about post #2, but I noticed how constructive people were being so I shut up. Now that the conversation has gone down the usual social-media rat-hole, I thought I'd weigh in after all. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: hth you're welcome.)
There is already a company producing a camping toilet with a bag system. The bags are on a roll. You push a button and the toilet twist up bag capturing the human waste contents and then stores it in a compartment and automatically lines the bowl with a new bag off the roll. That toilet system with no touch waste disposal product has been on the market for around 5 years or so.
They call that "no touch"?!

I want one that wipes my butt as well! I mean seriously...:eek::ROFLMAO:

Pretty sure the POTUS said in a speech that we'd have that before the end of the month. Something about a "beautiful waste disposal system"...