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      vanbrat posted the thread I'm out in Off-Topic and Chit-Chat.
      I came into this forum because I needed info about vanning. I got a lot of information and found a lot of people to chat with. But now...
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      vanbrat replied to the thread Flu Season 2025.
      Wash your hands often, don't get to close to anyone, really do you need to speak to that friend that close? Take your good vitamins and...
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      vanbrat replied to the thread Air Fryers. Which one to get?.
      I have 2 air fryers, 1 big one for the S&B and 1 smaller one for the van. I need more practice with both of them to give too much advice...
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      vanbrat replied to the thread My van plan.
      We had planned to just add a bed to our old unreliable mini van that I used to haul kidos around town for field trips. But it was really...
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      vanbrat reacted to INTJohn's post in the thread SEASHELLS!! with Like Like.
      And yesterday while taking my usual 3-4 mile beach hike, I discovered the rare Lexus Key Fob shell 🐚 laying in the shell mash. Named...
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      vanbrat reacted to maki2's post in the thread 24/7 Chat About Anything with Like Like.
      I have been into Mexico enough times for medical tourism in the last 5 winters that it no longer feels spicy 🌶️. But I can of course...
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      vanbrat reacted to INTJohn's post in the thread Where to get water? with Like Like.
      😂 Grew up in Michigan drinkin that water after 150 years of industrial pollution and surrounded by superfund sites. been all around...
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      vanbrat reacted to eDJ_'s post in the thread Salad Dressing(s) with Like Like.
      When I was at the grocery store earlier I stumbled across a reduced shelf and noticed a couple McCormick Ground Mustard containers that...
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      I thought that looked familiar! We stayed at that hotel for a few days while hubby had a job interview.... na he did not get the job...
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      After this last week We are getting all this type of paperwork in a file that both our kids will know where to find. As well as copies...
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      So an update on my own "stuff". Mom went downhill REALLY fast and was combative and bit a staff person she kept walking away trying to...
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      vanbrat replied to the thread Bed Width.
      We have a double 53 + 68 That is about as small as I want it for the 2 of us. with the night bucket and the dog there is not much room...
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      we have just under an inch but 2-3 miles away you will find bare wet ground and then again 2- 3 miles another direction you will find 3...
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      vanbrat replied to the thread Hello, fellow travellers!.
      Welcome Laura
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      vanbrat replied to the thread 24/7 Chat About Anything.
      we hav a spinkle of snow this morning here
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