Zero Breeze or mini split air conditioner

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You have hot air to vent outside?
Me - Brrrr.
On the Zerobreeze website it shows you how to vent the hot air outside. It looks like it would work. I recently bought one and will post when I have it set up ( in about a week).
I got the Zerobreeze and it works fine in my van. It comes with venting tubes to carry the hot air out. It is bulkier than I thought it would be with the vents but I figured a way to put it in the drivers seat and vent hot out the window. Note this is only good if you have shore power and plug in. The expensive battery needs to be recharged after only a few hours so I didn’t buy that.
I got the Zerobreeze and it works fine in my van. It comes with venting tubes to carry the hot air out. It is bulkier than I thought it would be with the vents but I figured a way to put it in the drivers seat and vent hot out the window. Note this is only good if you have shore power and plug in. The expensive battery needs to be recharged after only a few hours so I didn’t buy that.
I bought one- Works fine in a Chrysler minivan for cool. Also please note that if you vent the COLD AIR OUT, you have yourself a HEATER! I tried it and it works!
I will start my travels next sumer and I think highdesertranger has hit the nail on the head. I will check weather forecast and travel accordingly. With that said, the whole idea of me traveling is not only to see the sites but to also live outside my comfort zone. I will not try to make my van into my home, but I would like to make it comfortable. I can be uncomfortable but not miserable. To avoid the heat, you must make your environment tempature cooler than outside....but you don't need an AC. It's like standing in the shade on a summer day, the shade makes it feel cooler when it might only be a degree or two. Moving the air, even if it's just a fan or an open window, helps a lot. You must aclimate your body to the area you are in. If you drive around all day with the AC on, you will feel hot when you shut the AC off. Instead leave the window down and you will aclimate to the tempature better. When I was stationed at Fort Irwin, north of Barstow CA in the high desert, the temps got up to 125 during the day. If I stayed in AC units all day, I would fight the heat every day. Instead you stayed out of the direct sunlight and you learned to deal wit it a lot better.
I am looking for a way to cool my van when I travel in the summer. I looked for all kinds of ways last time and got nowhere. This year, I hope I can have better luck. I would like to ask everyone here if you have used something like Zero Breeze. If you did, please tell me if it works. Also, I have seen something like a mini split air conditioner sold by Europeans. Do they work? It looks like there are not many options out there. The only option is to cut a hole on the car and install a real air conditioner, which is what I won't do.

Thanks in advance.
I have a ZB2 and it works great in minivan, also dehumidifies and even HEATS (if you vent to cold outside)!