I'm of the opinion that the founding fathers had it right when they wrote that every person has the right to arm themselves. Every person has the right to live. Every person has the right to defend their right to live. No one has the right to tell someone how, or limit their right to defend their right to live. Thomas Jefferson believed that the Bill of Rights needed to be written down. In the Federalist papers, Alexander Hamilton wrote that it was so obvious that people had the right to defend themselves, it was unnecessary for a written Bill of Rights. Jefferson knew that people who crave power, who wish to deny other's their God-given rights, would seek government positions and work to erode all civil rights to maintain their own power.
Jefferson was very prescient. We now have a government who has educated an entire generation into arguing against exercising their rights. Patriot Act, No knock warrants, gun control in the guise of gun safety, a person's right to choose how to live their life and how to treat their own bodies. The 14th amendment abolished slavery and now we have become a society of wage slaves. Every ad is an attempt to take your hard-earned cash and turn it into an obligation to work for "da man". Work hard your entire life and you too can live in a van down by the river when you are old and decrepit and now longer a resource to some faceless, soulless corporation.