"You can't test drive it. Company / owner prohibits non-employee drivers."

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Vanna White

Active member
Jul 31, 2017
Reaction score
TEST DRIVE QUIZ: "You can't test drive it. Company / owner prohibits non-employee drivers."


Would you travel a substantial distance and time to inspect a van whose seller told you up front that you will not be allowed to drive the van, but he could take a potential buyer on a test drive?

Answer (pick one only):

A. No. I would say, essentially, "Thanks but no thanks. Bye."  I would not go see the van and I would disqualify it from further consideration.

(If you choose A, stop here. End of quiz for you. Thanks for your opinion.)

B. First I would talk to the company to see if there is any wiggle room on their insurance, since the prohibition prevents sale of the van to any non-employee who wants to buy the van on the condition that buyer test-drives it first.

C. Before traveling to see it I would tell him exactly what I will need him to do in the test drive so he can agree or not, before I travel to that site.

D. First I would get agreement from him not to sell it before I see it. I would require  the right of first refusal, in writing. Then I would hustle over there immediately if not sooner. 

E. Combination of letters _____________________

F. OTHER (Describe)