Xunlight flexible solar panels - more van friendly?

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2012
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I was looking at UniSolar 128 watt flexible solar panels which are 18ft by 1.5ft. It seems many vehicle roofs are not 18ft long. They do make 68 watt panels that are 10ft by 1.5ft. <br><br>I just happen to see that Xunlight has 100 watt flexible panels (XR12) that are 5'11" by 2'11" and weigh 9 lbs each. It seems like better dimensions for a van roof.<br><br>It does seem that they are more expensive than UniSolar per watt.<br><br>http://www.xunlight.com/products/rooftop/<br><br>
Wow they also have the ultimate portable solar kit. Its 1.2kW and rolls up in a bag. <br><br>Here's a video of them un-rolling and setting up in a couple minutes.<br>
An advantage to the flexible panels is the ability to put the panels out in the sun and park your van in the shade.<IMG class=bbc_img src="/images/boards/smilies/idea.gif" rel="lightbox">&nbsp;