Written by Tink (khaos' gf)

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Well-known member
May 28, 2011
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I'm not sure how well you all knew Kevin but I wanted to let you all know he passed away Tuesday morning.<br><br>I made a video tribute to him here<br><br><br><br>And here is his obituary written by his mother<br><br>http://www.molesfuneralhome.com/index.cfm?do=obituary&amp;obID=3309<br><br>We are all in shock and grief.<br>I am at the point where I am letting people know and going through his contacts.<br>I know he had some dreams about the future that he probably shared here so figured I should probably let you all know.<br>Thank you for your friendship to him at the end of his life.<br>Sincerely,<br>"Tink"<br><br>
I"m very sorry to learn of his passing. My condolences to you and Kevin's family.<div><br></div>
<P><FONT size=3 face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Dear Tink,</FONT></P><FONT size=3 face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Please accept my sincerest condolences for the loss of Khaos (Kevin). <BR>I hope the words posted here&nbsp;bring you some comfort in the days ahead.<BR><BR>Bob (aka stude53)<BR></FONT>
Tink,<BR><BR>I am so sorry for your loss.&nbsp; Please, Know I will be keeping Kevin, You and his family in my prayers.<BR><BR>I hope you can find solace in the good times you shared.<BR>
<P>I'm so sorry for your loss Tink.&nbsp; May you find peace in your sorrow as you remember the happy times you had with Kevin.&nbsp; Suanne</P>
<P><B>So sorry. The tribute and obituary are testomony to a beautiful life.</B></P>
Very sorry for your loss Tink. You are in our hearts and prayers.
Tink, i am so sorry to hear this. Khaos was family here. we will miss him.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>he had mentioned illness in passing, but i had no idea how sick he was. how sad that his journey took a different path. i can't imagine your loss.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>i will remember that he greeted newcomers, shared ideas and information freely, and clearly stood firm on issues of fairness. that he loved his dogs endeared him to me immediately.</div><div><br></div><div>i am grateful you took the time to seek us out and let us know what happened. you are all in my thoughts.</div><div><br></div><div>kate</div>
I'm very sorry...&nbsp; I regret that I only had a short time to get to know him... <BR><br>As Bob said, we were all here as his (and your) friends, so please keep in touch.&nbsp; <br><br>I'm going to miss his thoughts...<br>
<div>good idea, AJ. probably should bump every now and then so stragglers will see.</div><div><br></div>
4x4tour said:
Bump for those who do not know... <br>
Oh Tink, I am so sorry to hear of your loss.....Kevin was a good voice on here and he joined in a lot of conversations....he helped many with his knowledge and experience...<br>I had no idea he was ill.<br>He will be missed here and I wish you well as you go out from here....<br>Bri<br><br>
Tink - I'm very, very sorry to hear of your loss. As his partner, I cannot pretend to fathom the depth of your loss. I wish there was something I could say to you other than <b><i>I'm sorry.</i></b><br><br>Here, he was a voice of reason in whom the fiber of integrity, honesty and honor were apparent. We mourn his loss.<br><br>
I didn't know him since I've only been on here a short while; sounds like he was a really good guy.<br>One journey ends---another begins.<br><br>
Hello Tink,<div>very sorry to hear that he passed away, may he live on in the hearts of everyone he touched in his life.</div>
Wow.&nbsp; I never knew him, but its tragic for him to go so young.&nbsp; Sorry for your loss.<br><br>Also, great song choice.<br>

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