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Apr 19, 2017
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San Antonio, TX
Hello from San Antonio, Texas!

I found you Wonderful people thanks to YouTube videos.  Thanks Bob!!

I am tired of paying rent and scraping by So, I decided why not?!  I work full time, my kids are grown and live in California and Nevada. I plan on living in my 2014 Fiat 500l (4-door) starting May 31st. When my Daughter and Grand Daughter move back to San Diego, Ca. I will be on my own for the first time in 27 years!!

So far, I built a platform to level out my sleeping area. The guys at Home depot cut my wood for me and then I used a drill to put it together. I intend on joining the gym and most likely will rent out the smallest storage locker that I can find to use as a closet.  I am going to pick up some Reflectix for my windows and cut down a memory foam topper to fit the bed platform my next days off. I am undecided to tint my windows or not; I think I will try it out without the tint and see how that goes for me. I have camping gear for cooking on my days off. I like to think that I have been down sizing but I swear it is tough getting rid of everything.

I have been reading a lot since I found this Forum. I work ten hour days, 5 to 6 days a week. Fortunately, I can cook pretty much anything I want at work. I think the part that worried me the most was finding safe places to sleep. But, after all the videos and reading I can see that there are plenty of good options for that.  Auto Dealers are kind of intimidating :-/   I want to get into something bigger but I am working on paying down debt first. I will be able to take short trips on my days off and slightly longer ones with my Vacation time. I am Super excited about that and working on having what I need to escape the city from time to time.
Hello, and welcome!! Sounds like you've got a good plan in the works.
Welcome, No1!! Great plan and it sounds like you're very excited so I'm excited for you!! You can do it!!
Welcome NO1UKNO to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Hi NO1UKNO and Welcome! Best of luck to ya.
Welcome to the CRVL Forums   :) 

Dad's side of the family is from Texas and when I was in San Antonio I fell in love with it.   Brackenridge Park,  the Japanese Sunken Garden's, and down town at the River of the Roses.   When I go on the road again,  those sites will be on my itinerary. 

I don't blame you for wanting to get out of the 60 hour a week wage and time trap.   Doesn't leave much time to liquidate your other stuff so you can get yourself free to bug out.   You may just have to sort stuff into parcels and take it out to Flea Markets to sell as a parcel.  Using 20% of the parcel nice stuff and 80% odds and ends.  Just ask what will you give me for all of this ?   But don't give into those who ask....can I come to your place and pick through everything you have.  (they will likely just cherry pick for the good stuff)  But this is a strategy I've learned for getting rid of stuff in my old folks estates.   It is a way of getting rid of stuff fairly quickly.  If you have a friend who is good at flea marketing,  see if you can get them to give you a hand.  But even though you may loose some now,  you can make it back up later once you are just living out of your rig and can find some traveling jobs. 

All the best !
Welcome aboard !
I hope you get everything done and get to try out this life.
Ask anything here and we'll try to steer you in the right direction ;>)
eDJ_ said:
Welcome to the CRVL Forums   :) 

Dad's side of the family is from Texas and when I was in San Antonio I fell in love with it.   Brackenridge Park,  the Japanese Sunken Garden's, and down town at the River of the Roses.   When I go on the road again,  those sites will be on my itinerary. 

I don't blame you for wanting to get out of the 60 hour a week wage and time trap.   Doesn't leave much time to liquidate your other stuff so you can get yourself free to bug out.   You may just have to sort stuff into parcels and take it out to Flea Markets to sell as a parcel.  Using 20% of the parcel nice stuff and 80% odds and ends.  Just ask what will you give me for all of this ?   But don't give into those who ask....can I come to your place and pick through everything you have.  (they will likely just cherry pick for the good stuff)  But this is a strategy I've learned for getting rid of stuff in my old folks estates.   It is a way of getting rid of stuff fairly quickly.  If you have a friend who is good at flea marketing,  see if you can get them to give you a hand.  But even though you may loose some now,  you can make it back up later once you are just living out of your rig and can find some traveling jobs. 

All the best !

Thank you! That is some good advice. Headed over to the Sunken Garden tomorrow for the "Taste of New Orleans" event. Food, music. I love the month of April in San Antonio all the Fiesta events are so much Fun! :D
Welcome from another Texan! just up the road a piece in Garwood
Good luck to you in getting this going, especially hope you aren't AC addicted like me lol
That 500 is a bitty little car, hope you can up size soon
NO1UKNO,   :) 

Think of me when you are there enjoying that good stuff :D 

Others here may want to be fixin to put that venue on their bucket list


From the pond side



I've been there and these photos are nice but nothing beats seeing it for one's self.  Then consider the lesson
that everyone can learn from the Garden's developer.
eDJ_ said:
NO1UKNO,   :) 

Think of me when you are there enjoying that good stuff :D 

Others here may want to be fixin to put that venue on their bucket list

I've been there and these photos are nice but nothing beats seeing it for one's self.  Then consider the lesson
that everyone can learn from the Garden's developer.

Those were Great pictures! The best part about the Japanese Tea Garden is that it is FREE to visit!  :D
If you size the memory foam topper right you should be able to cut it in half and get a double thickness. I use multiple thriftstore camp pads in a similar fashion.