Workampers, Meadville KOA Campground, NW PA, summer 2015

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Jan 24, 2011
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Meadville KOA Campground is looking for a workkamping couple to do maintenance and clerking/front desk positions at a busy NW PA family campground for the summer of 2015 (April 24-Oct.20).

12 Hours per couple pays for your 30 amp electric site (50 amp site is 13 hours).

All additional hours at pay DOE and you work 3.5 days together.

We provide $50.00 electric allowance, free wi-fi, cable tv, and full hookup site in a pretty rural area but close to good shopping, fun things to do on days off, and more. Kampsite knowledge a plus but not required. Check us out at and email us your resume at [email protected]
Patrick46 said:
for how long?? A day, a week, a month?? (not clear on this) :huh:

Patrick, it would be for the summer season... probably sometime in May until mid October.

Oops, I take that back.
From my original post
cyndi said:
Meadville KOA Campground is looking for a workkamping couple to do maintenance and clerking/front desk positions at a busy NW PA family campground for the summer of 2015 (April 24-Oct.20).
Its probably 12 hours a week, the KOA I work at is 5 hours a week for your site (30 or 50 amp) with the same $50 a month electric allowance. Make sure to find out how many hours you should expect to get. Many places only let you work a few hours over the amount you need for rent. Were hiring for next summer here as well but other than housekeeping, I don't know what other positions are available. The managers here will hire a single too which many wont and start at $8 which is good for KOA
Why is it that every KOA has different hours for free campsites. All in NE PA requires 20hrs from each person. So me and my wife have to put in 40 hrs where other KOA requires only 12

Seasonal rate here in NE PA for Apr-Oct is $2100, that works out to $1.73 per hour for us if we stay the entire season and workcamp. Come on KOA, that's just sad.
It's up to the campground owners. I'm in NE PA too (Delaware Water Gap). We paid $37.50 a week (less than five hours) for our site I think regardless of whether its one or two people. Might be different next year for new hires but it sure won't be that high. Look on the KOA site and see what positions they are hiring for, maybe I'll meet you next year.
My boss has a koa rv park basically attached to his big hotels parking lot. He charges people 40 dollars a night :/

There is a gorgeous park 2 miles from it that charges just 25 with water and electric...shame everyone just sees that big ole koa sign right off the exit.
The strange thing is that the KOA in Wayne county Pa that requires 40 hrs a week has no shortage of work campers. Like I said, they are working for $1.73 per hour. I met a couple last weekend that stay there till Dec 12th till the campground closes working 40 hrs just for the free site. And the Honesdale KOA doesn't even have a lake or river near by. This is a campground in the woods next to residential homes. If this was in Yellowstone, maybe we would be willing to work 40 hrs but for that place.
Dear Planet Beaver;

All KOA campgrounds are franchised, but are individually owned and operated (except for the handful that KOA owns). So as state minimum wages and prices differ, so do the hours required to work for your campsite.

If you divide our seasonal rate $2250 by 6 months, then by 4 weeks, then by 2 (for a couple), then by $8.00/hour (our hourly rate) I think you'll you get 6 hours per person. We also provide mowing of the site, free wi-fi, 48 channel cable tv, $50/month electric allowance, and 25% discount of store and propane. We pay you additional hours at $8.00/hour, and up to 40 hours per week. We also pay $.25/each hr worked as an end of season bonus.

If you have other questions, please refer to: and you can contact us directly via email.

Thank you.


planet-beaver said:
Why is it that every KOA has different hours for free campsites. All in NE PA requires 20hrs from each person. So me and my wife have to put in 40 hrs where other KOA requires only 12

Seasonal rate here in NE PA for Apr-Oct is $2100, that works out to $1.73 per hour for us if we stay the entire season and workcamp. Come on KOA, that's just sad.

I was a campground host in the Sierras making $9 an hour and was hurt on the job. I had 4 surgeries and was on physical therapy 3 days a week for 6 months. After that I got a big settlement payment. I'm sure the total cost was well over $250,000, probably much more.

Workman's Comp is extremely controlled by the state, it's the least of your concerns.
Bob - good point about the risk a job provider takes. The insurance to cover a law suit might be as much as the employee salary costs. That employer could be uninsured, and people need to check on that.

The opposite legal extreme is my sons example. He was hit by a car while riding his bicycle to work. Driver ran a red light. My son got gashed up. But no permanent injury. Got maybe $200 from the incident.

Point is --- accidents happen. Will the social systems be there to support you if you get a permanent injury? Think about that when you consider some of these jobs.
12 Hours per week sounds great. I was just saying that some other KOA sites require 40 hours and they always have workers. It baafles me why would anyone do it.

I wish there were more campgrounds like Meadville KOA requiring fair amount of hours. (40 hours is crazy)
Every state has their own rules and regulations when to comes to how workman’s comp is administered and adjudicated.

Let me tell you from experience and a current litigation process I am a party to, the LAST place in the country to work for a living is in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Insurance is tricky because sometimes the owner cheaps out and there isn't enough coverage. Then the owner can play games to reduce their exposure to claims. My brother discovered all of those things after getting hit head on by a Cutlass. He was badly hurt.... even swallowed most of his broken teeth while unconscious. The guy had insurance and all his worth in a trust. So my brother got nothing and had to deal with nearly a million dollars in bills he could not pay. The guy said he was so sorry..... but not enough to pay so much as a penny.
Mr.LooRead said:
Let me tell you from experience and a current litigation process I am a party to, the LAST place in the country to work for a living is in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

It wouldn't surprise me if all their workman's comp laws were dictated by the coal mines.
RI is the complete opposite. There are people who have a cottage industry in workman's comp. Can live off of it for life.
This has gone way off topic.

The subject of this thread is employment at Meadville KOA Campground in NW PA

If you'd like to discuss workman's comp, please, feel free to do so in a new thread.

Any further discussion with regard to workman's comp will be deleted.

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