Wire Gauges, Etc.

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Reaction score
Does anyone know a good site for explaining different kinds of electrical wire? Or want to create a "Tutorial for electrical Dummies"?&nbsp; All my questions would take too much space. But. . .&nbsp;I went to Lowes and they have a chart almost from floor to ceiling.&nbsp;Some individual wire,&nbsp;have positive, negative, ground wires inside the casing. Some have a large mass of copper wires to make one really thick wire.&nbsp; I have seen suggestions of two gauge, four gauge, etc. Thick as my thumb! How to attach connectors? What to use for charging house battery bank with alternator, generator, solar?<br>Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.&nbsp;<br>
Here's a handy guide for required wire gauge per amps/length of wire run:<br><br><br>
<br><br><br>Here's an example of a van/rv system set-up:<br><br><br>
<P><FONT size=3>&nbsp;&nbsp;Someday I hope to have all that stuff, with a larger solar and house battery array.&nbsp; I can see from your diagram that if I just take it one area at a time, use strings with labels to lay it all out on the vehicle, I could do it.&nbsp; Hopefully, I can get the guys at the store where I get the wire to show me how to make connections on the ends. May be some on YouTube. Thanks once again for taking the time to offer your help!</FONT></P>