Wilderness Camping Dangers

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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2012
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Truly, it's not people we fear camping in the wilderness. It's wildlife. People think moose and elk are cute and great to watch and that's true from a distance or a vehicle. I have had a small white tailed doe stamp her foot at me in Ontario and threaten to charge me and she was my height and I was afraid! I had to stand behind the raspberries on a fence until she left. That's nothing compared to a moose who's unhappy with your close proximity! I opened the door two weeks ago and nearly ran smack into a couple of moose - female and yearling. The top of mom's back was higher than my head...and they did not run away! (Elk are about the same size. A few passed by the front of our F150 on the road and we could see under their bellies over the hood.) and they are not afraid of people. I stood perfectly still until the moose was satisfied that I was not a threat to her child, almost as big as she was, and then I slowly backed away. A lone male buffalo, horns and all, slowly meandered up the road last month, right past us. I got him on film, but when I moved, he stood still and watched me. It would not have taken much for him to charge. You put your life on the line if you hike around here during rutting season! The males will charge the cars. There's a herd of wild buffalo numbering over 200 just down the road. <br><br>It's a great place to get pics for painting, but make no mistake, it's dangerous and I haven't even mentioned the grizzlies and wolves! I saw wolf tracks last week, all around the compound and right by our camper. HUGE feet in the snow. I've seen them a couple of times this winter but never seen the wolf. Others have seen him. We get grizzly reports from time to time too, mostly from the rangers who have to shoot them because they have lost their fear of people and look to them for food. <em>(I really wish tourists would quit feeding the bears from their cars!</em>) The stone sheep, cariboo, foxes and beaver are small enough to handle, thank goodness, or we wouldn't be able to go anywhere! <br><br>Sorry for the long post. The upshot is, you might want to take some protection of some kind with you when you go wilderness camping - male or female, and not just for the people. <br><br>
after years in the field I have developed a sense about how close to be and know when and how to back off.&nbsp; &nbsp;never approach wildlife give them their space and never get between a mother and her offspring.&nbsp; also don't feed any wildlife not just bears it does more harm than good.&nbsp; highdesertranger&nbsp;
I've seen more wildlife in my back yard [where I used to live] than in all the campsites I've stayed in.&nbsp; That includes numerous black bears, one grizzly bear, several moose, cougars and coyotes.&nbsp; We had wolves in the area but I never saw one.&nbsp; Once saw a wolverine in the front yard!&nbsp; They are quite rare. <br><br>People are still, to me, the scariest predators out there.&nbsp;
I carry bear spray with me when I am traveling, generally works on all&nbsp;mammals&nbsp;including humans, unfortunately this means you as well....but it is still one of the better self defense products imo, you can also cross the&nbsp;Canadian&nbsp;U.S. border carrying it without problem.<br>Sheryl makes a good point, respecting wild animals is critical to ones safety if you plan on being around them.
I have never been attacked. I have found it best to stay still even if moved toward. You are bigger than them for the most part and they do not want to be hurt.<br><br>Most&nbsp; NF's honor Coniaeled Carry Weapon permits. You can carry concealed in a National Forest with it. Black bear smallest is 38 and brown bear is 45 Mag. (if it makes you feel safer). Most people staying on BLM lands have a weapon in their RV.<br><br>I feel much safer in the forest than in a Walmart parking lot. Statics supports this.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
you can carry bear spray in Canada now?&nbsp; back in 96 when I drove to Alaska it was a no no,&nbsp; a 12 gauge wasn't a problem.&nbsp; &nbsp;I bought some bear spray&nbsp;in Alaska and gave it to a fellow prospector when I left.&nbsp; highdesertranger
Just don't forget that a big gun should also be a necessity in the woods (if legal) as it gives you more options.<br><br>Bear spray sometimes don't work, not even against this Pit Bull where a whole can was used on him and "it barely released".&nbsp; Now you'd think it was the Bear Spray alone, but right before this, a good 20+ minutes was from 3-4 grown men kicking this Pit Bull in the head, face, etc. multiple times with steel toed boots and beating it with a baseball bat....even the owner of the Pit took a turn to repeatedly beat it over the head with a baseball bat....after which, Animal Control came with steel batons to beat on it some more.&nbsp; Finally, a FULL CAN of Bear Spray got it to "barely release".<br><br>The Pit Bull wasn't even dead...was leashed and taken away to be euthanized. <br><br>www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrBS6EQ9G-I<br><br><br>So Bear Spray is good, but not even close to guaranteeing&nbsp; anything...including a bear that really wants you that day.
&nbsp;2 legged critters are the ones to watch out for IMHO. ..Willy.
If a moose puts its ears down and back...look out!&nbsp; Time to look for an escape...a one second escape.&nbsp; Those big lugs are fast.&nbsp; One bear mauling so far this year, but the bears just woke up a couple weeks ago here on the Kenai.&nbsp; I carry a 44 mag...makes me feel safe and hopefully will never have to use it.&nbsp; Most wild animals want nothing to do with humans; not running and being still without sudden movement is your best defense unless its charging you-at least with bear, moose, and dog.&nbsp; Humans on the other hand can be sick individuals and you cannot anticipate their actions or reactions.&nbsp; I'm way more fearful of the two-legged animal for sure.
So what do you do when confronted with an angry or startled moose?&nbsp; I have heard playing dead doesn't help like it sometimes does with certain bears, because the moose will just stomp you for awhile for grins.<br><br>Is there really anything you can do other than try to get in your car or up a tree?
Look at the bright side:&nbsp; Getting stomped to death by a moose is a lot more interesting way to die than, say, cancer.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
My friend accidently got between momma moose and her baby.&nbsp; Momma was 10 yards or so away but by the time he turned to run, she was on top of him and stomping away.&nbsp; He put his arms and hands up and started swinging&nbsp;and was able to connect hard with her nose and she left.&nbsp; Today, I was about 6 ft away from last years baby that was bed down beside the walkway next to the Kenai River.&nbsp; This has happened often this year.&nbsp; I just talk loudly to her&nbsp;in a calm unthreatening way.&nbsp; Her shackles when she seen my dog but she never got up.&nbsp; If it were a momma and her baby, 50 yards may be too close.&nbsp; Common sense and paying attention is your best defense in areas where wild animals hang out.&nbsp;
Here in Texas, animals are extremely brave. &nbsp;I've had a buck grab a sandwich out of my hand before heading after a doe last December during rutting season. &nbsp;The coyotes have little to no fear.<br><br>In rural areas in Texas, the hogs are a big problem. &nbsp;They eat anything, are hard to kill, tear up vehicles when hit due to their low center of gravity (they will tear off oil pans), and are quite aggressive. &nbsp;They can be shot with a .45 ACP, and because of the armor plate around the head/shoulders which is there to keep them from bleeding to death when one gores another with their tusks for dominance, the round went in, no blood lost.<br><br>My recommendation, use whatever firearm you have good practice with. &nbsp;A 9mm is better than nothing. &nbsp;I personally like the S&amp;W Governor with PDX .410 rounds (this is NOT a concealed carry weapon, as it is made for four legged predators, not two legged), but use what one feels comfortable with.
I live very closely with bears and moose. The most I've ever needed to do is shoot the ground in front of a charging bear. Most charges are not for real anyways (tho they all feel real!).

Truly the most dangerous animal in the woods walks on two legs.
I carry a Winchester 1300 Black Shadow 12 gauge with rifled barrel and 3 inch Black Magic Slugs... Should handle any predator..2 leg or 4 leg
I wonder if the Animals have a forum about the dangers of Campers in the woods !!!!

your in there yard...and your no different than them , your just a different species , in fact your human and that place you call a city used to be the woods!!
When we were in Yellowstone last summer, I went down by a lake very near the campground to get some pics. It did not occur to me that large wildlife might be there, too, until I saw the huge paw tracks. They looked fresh. Can't tell you what made them. I would not know bear/wolf/cougar tracks if the bear/wolf/cougar was still standing in them. But this thing was big and it did not live on veggies.