Where's the thread for Queers, Quiltbag±, Trans, etc.?

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The Facebook group HOWA, that stands for Homes on Wheels Alliance has an associated facebook page "We Camp Together" HOWA came about from the cheaprvliving community realizing it needed to form an officially registered non profit group.

Joining the We Camp Together Facebook page allows you to post request for people you would enjoy camping with. You are allowed to specify a gender preference as well as other factors that might be of importance to you such as an age range, hobbies, vehicle type, hair color, dog lovers, whatever as long as you are not violating the stated behavior rules of the moderators of that group. This is one possible way you could meet compatible new friends in y our nomadic adventures. https://www.facebook.com/groups/wecamptogether/?ref=share

As there are no formal caravans or meetups associated with CRVL due to Covid that facebook page was created to help people build friendships by meeting up and camping with others.
rriverstone said:
Yeah, my Gaydar pinged, first time i saw you on youtube.
I subbed u, btw. Not cuz of that, but cuz your channel is very useful to me.There have been threads on here. One not long ago. There is also discussions in threads including one of my own. There isn't a active gay section.
it's not cool to try and out people, no matter what your credentials are. welcome to the forum.

I'm pretty open about being gay here and in life. Even my own post claiming that there are lots of "US" out here takes any question away. So no one is outing me.

It really isn't a big thing for me since I haven't been dating lately. People closer to me know it mostly as a footnote in my past. The only people that really need to know are those I want to.....and none of y'all wrinkly butts qualify.

I also do not want it to be the defining thing in my life. I am not gay Jim. I am just Jim who happens to be gay. If that's all you know of me then you really do not know me at all.
You know Jim. He is the guy who is owned by Max and runs an AC off of solar.  

He is welcome in our camp anytime. Especially when he has the solar ovens going.
If you're looking for "people who don't demand i explain, aplogize for being a real person," the posts in this thread looks to me like evidence that you've come to the right place.

If (not to imply this, just saying "if") you're looking for people who get you effortlessly and a space that feels exactly right, good luck and if you find one let me know. Personally, I'm finding more and more that the spaces where nothing seems out of place are the spaces where I feel /most/ out of place. A little dissonance can perk your day right up.

People who know this forum, and the nomad life, much better than I do have offered some good suggestions already. One more thought is that besides looking for "Queers, Quiltbag±, Trans, etc"-friendly spaces inside nomad-friendly forums, you might try looking for nomad-friendly spaces inside "Queers, Quiltbag±, Trans, etc."-friendly forums. (Just flip the Venn diagram and see what you get.)

I know how much concerns about the potential for hate-based aggression color my choices as a woman, so I can only sympathize/empathize/support your quest to find spaces you can thrive. My guess is this forum could be a pretty good one. Good luck!
just be you at all times as you were meant to be....many and I MEAN many of US get it here :) we are off color in our life against the norm, and I don't care what that norm one is facing, but ALL OF US get it LOL We are A big group of off whatever the hell society says is norm :)
I have never cared what someones gender preference is unless I was interested in an intimate relationship.

Jimindenver is very handsome, kind, funny, trustworthy, handy and fun to talk to, plus he likes to cook. Hope he meets a great guy who is deserving of his affection. But then again there is a lot to be said for the simplicity and much less complicated just friends platonic relationships.
OP came to unload then disappeared. I love nomads. They really don’t care about much except for survival, seeing sights, keeping their rigs going. Never seen one unkind thing about any group on here. In fact I have felt welcomed and accepted from the beginning. Some people are angry and looking for a target. I always say other people’s sex lives are of minimal interest to me and how you dress is up to you (after 30 years in a conservative career I’ve got a bunch of piercings in my ear and nose and some funkier clothes. No one cares.
On the road you’ll be accepted for who you are and people in this country are still entitled to disagree with you.
abnorm said:
^ I had to look it up................ https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=QUILTBAG

Q - Queer and Questioning
U - Unidentified
I - Intersex
L - Lesbian
T - Transgender, Transexual
B - Bisexual
A - Asexual
G - Gay, Genderqueer

I had to look this up also. I learned something new today so that is cool. I may have no clue what is being said either but I can generally find something in common with someone and get along just fine.
rriverstone said:
Road's a dangerous place for people outside the heteronormative binary, y'know?
Sick of closets, sick of passing, sick of assaults. Sick of unsupportive concern trolls  who refuse to use search  engines.
I could use some networking with people who don't demand i explain, aplogize for being a real person.
Been looking all over the net for community,but not much luck.

Hi rriverstone! I came on the forum looking for much the same! I was pretty disappointed by the replies you got :( The flipping the ven diagram response was the only one I found helpful. When I searched the forum for "queer," this thread and one other popped up. The other one linked a Facebook group: Rainbow Nomads. I just requested to join so I don't know yet if it is good. I was also able to find a queer women nomads group on FB, expanded to encompass all those who have lived experience with misogyny (no cis dudes). I'm super hopeful to find more community along my journey :) Most folks seem to be acting from a place of kindness and/but also very white and cishet dominant *shrug* I think we are out there and maybe just harder to find ????
Something to be understood is that some people are worried about being publicly identified as gay, etc. so being part of a open discussion on a public forum can make them uncomfortable.

So start a thread. Those of us that are comfortable discussing it will do so.
Where is the thread? Right here, just take the where is out of the title and you got your thread. Enjoy.
There is a big gay group that have a rally at La Posa South LTVA every year. I’ve met lots and lots of gay nomads.

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