It has always bothered me when I hear people living/staying/visiting a place and complaining about all the "other" people showing up after them. Going all the way back to when the 2nd person showed up anywhere, I'm SURE the 1st person there complained about it. I'm not saying there aren't many good reasons to complain when people don't practice good behavior, but to complain about them BEING there seems a little unfair. We should all have the same right to be there - wherever that is.
I think we need to be more concerned with finding solutions that might actually work. We could start by better tracking visitors and actually enforcing rules. Including fines for bad behavior. If there are too many people per acre, then add more acres.
Reducing the number of people getting outdoors is not a good answer. Making the outdoors MORE available just might cure some of the problems our society has. Just a thought...