What your dog can see that you cannot

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Dogs mostly don't have much sense of ownership except their food bowl, and sometimes that only when it has food in it. I think that the protective instinct may come from experience and association, on how the stress scent of their owner intensified when something previous happened.
Dogs are wonderful!

Golden Retrievers though... are not guard dogs in general. I mean, they're so friendly that they'll gladly show the burglar where the safe is!
My one Golden must have been an outlier then
I had him when one of my home invasions occurred, and he made sure i was up and alerted, then, when I lined up on the intruder, hit him right on the butt, and ripped his pocket off
His right rear pocket
Officer "Any idea who he was?"
Me "No, but that's his wallet there on the floor"
Good Dog!
They say less than 1% of dogs will actually defend you, most dogs even aggressive ones are bluffing. And even a smaller percentage of the 1% that will attack on your behalf know how to effectively attack...which is biting with the rear of the mouth and not nipping with the front teeth.

However, a barking dog is usually all the deterrent that is needed.
So who has the cajones to tell that foaming at the mouth sreaming little ankle terrorist Chihuahua that it is doing it wrong?   :dodgy:

The only dog that ever drew blood from me was one of those things.  It went right through my leather boots and got me good.
GotSmart said:
So who has the cajones to tell that foaming at the mouth sreaming little ankle terrorist Chihuahua that it is doing it wrong?   :dodgy:

The only dog that ever drew blood from me was one of those things.  It went right through my leather boots and got me good.

Pomerians are what get me...three of them.

My dogs are great for alerting, and I always know if someone is around. I guess that's almost better than being an actual guard dog...I can prepare myself and be on the offensive, rather than the desense.
Yup, forget the dog, beware of (alerted) owner
I told my Border Collie "Daddy has guns, your job is to bark" lol
"What your dog can see that you cannot"

Don't know if any of this is true or not....but I do believe some of it if not all is bullshiat.

The only thing my dog can see that I am aware of that I can not is her butt....
After the house was rebuilt after that hurricane, I had to have a new bed delivered and in leading them to the bedroom they became between me and my labrador retriever. For the first (and only) time he lowered himself and growled... even scaring me until I realized "OH that's MY dog"... and I promptly allowed the delivery guys to pass by me and my Figaro and I were together.

What is that sign? Forget the dog, beware the owner (pic of firearm).