what just happened to that thread about Will Prowses video?

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user 37446

Well-known member
Mar 24, 2017
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I just typed a response/reply and now the thread "doesn't exist"...  :huh:   

Oh well, for those that read it and were debating if it's a long term physical and mental health hazard to be a van dweller/mobile urban person, here's my thought:

True Will is young, 20 something however if you believe his statements of having lived F/T in a vehicle (Toyota mini class C, Sienna minivan) for 8 years, he does have some cred. I mean, a lot of forum members haven't lived 8 years in a vehicle.  

He has made several good videos (I'm not a subscriber) on solar how to's, batteries, electrical systems as well as other ways to deal with/work around the problems of van dwelling. For that I'm thankful as it has given me some good info and helped me to consider/reconsider ideas.

OK so I'm 62 and not falling all over myself about the opposite sex, he is 20 something with hormones and has. So what... it happens. He's tired of mobile dwelling and she probably wants someplace fixed, women tend to prefer that. It seems like several ex-van dwelling YouTubers have done the same thing in the last couple years. Element Van Life comes to mind. He's in Chicago now, I can't think of a place I'd rather be less...

I didn't watch the video referenced by the OP yet I have heard Will speak about the noise and dealing with street people/homeless, break-in artists and other things (LEO/security) which make for a less than restful night. When you are an urban dweller, you will have to put up with all that. I as a part time vanner (well, Priuser) who resides in a cheap rental condo, with 40 year old single glazed windows that is 50' off a 6 lane main arterial can tell you that other than the knock on the window, I hear as much traffic (racing Honda ricers, diesel truck drags, straight piped Harleys) as well as the ambulance runs (4 blocks from fire station/EMS) all night long and that awakens me multiple times at night as well. Throw in the vehicle dweller's issues of no real bathroom, kitchen or privacy for years and yes, that would be "less than soothing" mentally.

If I/he were to join the BLM/Nat Forest camping group, epitomized by Bob Wells and company, it would be far and away more peaceful and less stressful, with the main concern being finding water and the occasional supply run back into town. Having stars above you, quiet around you and no concerns over getting kicked out of the sleep spot is certainly preferable to squatting on a public street, sleeping sloped to the curb and hearing sirens, honks, voices and other noises all night.

So take what good he has posted up, delete what you don't care for and allow for his youth and head over heels relationship at the present. When he's old and possible embittered about spouses then he may likely "sing a different tune" but it doesn't take away from the validity of his beliefs at the moment.  Reminds me of a combination of "Feelings" and "Dust in the Wind" songs.  I prefer "Dust in the Wind":

[font=Verdana, Arial]"Dust In The Wind" by Kansas[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial]"I close my eyes only for a moment, and the moment's gone
All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity

Dust in the wind
All they are is dust in the wind

Same old song
Just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do crumbles to the ground
Though we refuse to see

Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind

Now don't hang on
Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away
And all your money won't another minute buy

Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind"[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial]End of lyric quote[/font]
This world isn\ said:
(True Will)   "I just typed a response/reply and now the thread "doesn't exist"..." :huh:   

I had just posted a reply to this thread when, literally, moments later:  Poof!  Gone!
An explanation is in order.  Is this a software problem?  Admin/Mods please address/explain.
This threads been closed.
Why would you talk about someone in the 3rd person, as if they aren’t here. That’s pretty rude! This thread will no doubt be trashed too
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