What is the lowest temp you usually see?

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Bster13 said:
What sleeping bag are you guys rocking?

99% of the time -- year round -- I have a king sized down comforter I've used for about 30 years. Since it's huge, I can pile it around me. The other 1% of the time I add a 24 year old summer weight down sleeping bag under the comforter. And I wear a knit cap or just bury my head under the covers.
here in Texas near Houston I saw teens and 20s in various years, but usually not for long, I have a regular sleeping bag and a comforter, but my trailer also has a propane oven and I have no issues burning some propae to keep my toes unfroze not to mention cold can really get my hands messes up, apparently it affects the contanct dermatitis I suffer from, I should wear gloves all the time when it's cold
Our trailer has a BeautyRest mattress with a wool pillow top instead of foam. On top of that is a heavy goose down comforter that I end up half out of by morning even when we kept the heat down to 50 degrees. We did that for one trip and decided we were not going to use it like a hard sided tent. Now we keep it 65 at night and 74 during the day, still the wall I sleep next to gets pretty chilly when it's below freezing.
Something I was wondering about is at what temperature should you start worrying about your gray and black water tanks. Is putting plumbers antifreeze in them enough when the temperature is in the 20s.
Bast said:
Something I was wondering about is at what temperature should you start worrying about your gray and black water tanks. Is putting plumbers antifreeze in them enough when the temperature is in the 20s.

First, I hope you mean RV antifreeze when you call it 'plumbers' antifreeze', not sure what that is but you want the pink stuff from the RV department at W/M.

Whether you are going to need it depends on how long the temp is going to stay below freezing (not just in the 20's). If it's only going to go down to below freezing for a couple of hours overnight and the tanks are at least partially full then no need to treat them.

If the tank only has a gallon or two in it and it's going to be below freezing for hours and hours then you need to start worrying about it.

If you want to experiment, put a gallon jug out along side a 10 gallon jug and watch what happens.

I lived in a Class A through a couple of IN and KY winters (don't ask about that stupidity... :rolleyes: and kept my tanks from freezing by putting a service light in the holding tank compartment. Best place is near the discharge lines cause they'll freeze first!
they make heaters for them. although running a tank heater 24/7 off of 12v is going to suck up a lot power. I don't know about the plumbers antifreeze. the big problem would be with where you dump. is the antifreeze compatible with a septic system? I know they are touchy about what goes into a septic tank. highdesertranger
I've only heard it called plumbers antifreeze. yes its pink. It is designed to be biodegradable and non-toxic, although I wouldn't want to drink it. I sometime use it when it gets down to minus 40 to prevent pipes in the house from freezing. Frozen pipes are a constant nuisance here if you are not careful. It is completely safe for septic systems. I have a septic system and it is works fine. I usually buy it by the gallon at Ace hardware. I did not know that Walmart sold it. Thanks for the info.
I knew a guy that used cheap Vodka, (ethyl alcohol). He would rather pour it down the toilet than drink it.