What does everybody do for work/money?

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<em><strong><span style="color: #888888;">Good on you. Go green technology. There's plenty of work here for you warrior &nbsp;in the wind power industry.</span></strong></em><br><em><strong><span style="color: #888888;">Geoff</span></strong></em>
A dollar you avoid spending is like earning $1.25.
gsfish: good post. While I'm currently too old to avail myself of said advice I think it good counsel and hopefully finds ears to hear it. Welcome to the forum, btw.
Got any office skills? I worked for Kelly as a temp. That was 20 years ago. Even easier now, with a cellphone. A lot of temp agencies are national. Once you are on their register, you call into the local office whenever you want an assignment. I had computer, bookkeeping and tax prep skills. Physical inventory or computer drafting are useful skills.
I have a friend who uses temp agencies for day-labour across the country and he is had some great luck with them. I'm sorry, I don't remember the name of the company.
akrvbob said:
I have a friend who uses temp agencies for day-labour across the country and he is had some great luck with them.

Beware the temp agencies (Kelly, Manpower, etc). My wife was a traveling nurse. Since these were short term assignments, I did a lot of temp work. I had a stint in Austin, TX with one. We clicked so well I ended up staying for 20 years!!
My wife and I work in Las vegas 14 hours a day 7 days a week for four months(We keep a travel trailer there) Then we take the van and either work camp where we want to be or just goof off the rest of the year. Right now we are in Az. traveling towards florida to see family.
wartime veterans pension; $500 a year above federal poverty level, $12,000 a year .... blkjak:D
my ss is lower so it is part of my pension otherwise I would not qualify .... blkjak
blkjak said:
wartime veterans pension; $500 a year above federal poverty level, $12,000 a year .... blkjak:D

I haven't been in the service so I know nothing about it but have heard others say the same. Its a crime to pay someone who has served that small amount. I wont say more as it would be political.
We're still stuck in the city until we can pay off our student loan debts. I am an electrical engineer working in a "big fancy corporate cubicle farm." I hate every minute of it, but the large pay checks are the quickest escape route for us.