We're not "Tramps"!

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Active member
Jul 11, 2018
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Hello All;

This is a thought that occurred to me since I first heard the name: "Rubber Tramp Rendezvous"

I think it might be time to replace the word "Tramp" with the word "Nomad". 

The Rubber Nomad Rendezvous

The "RNR"

Why change? 
Simply because the people in the vehicle dwelling community and lifestyle are (by definition) not "tramps".

1. a person who travels from place to place on foot in search of work or as a vagrant or beggar.
synonyms:  vagrant, vagabond, street person, hobo, homeless person, down-and-out; traveler, drifter, derelict, beggar, mendicant, bag lady, bum.    "a wandering old tramp"

Other definitions of the word are also generally derogatory.

In an era where branding is everything, I  think does a disservice to the whole movement and the people choosing this lifestyle to use that name.

I think it would give an accurate and appropriate representation of the movement, if the term "Tramp" were replaced with "Nomad" in the event title.

This is as much to be accurate about labeling, as it is to have a title that it is easier to take pride in, and to  remove a leverage point for people unfamiliar to the phenomenon take a judgmental view.


Here's a good discussion of the term "rubber tramp":

I don't have any problem thinking of myself as a tramp. If there is a negative spin on this in somebody else's mind, that does not affect me. I don't think of "tramp" in a pejorative way. Although I am for sure a nomad, I also embrace the earthiness of "tramp." Rubber Tramp is a good descriptor for me, especially as the years roll by and I get more and more ornery and less and less likely to ever willingly live in a house again.

I'm a Rubber Tramp, pure and simple.

The Dire Wolfess
Pixelchrome said:
Why change? 
Simply because the people in the vehicle dwelling community and lifestyle are (by definition) not "tramps".

1. a person who travels from place to place on foot in search of work or as a vagrant or beggar.
synonyms:  vagrant, vagabond, street person, hobo, homeless person, down-and-out; traveler, drifter, derelict, beggar, mendicant, bag lady, bum.    "a wandering old tramp"

Other definitions of the word are also generally derogatory.

The catch is though that a lot of us are some of those things. Some people on this forum call themselves vagabonds. Travelers. Drifters. Hell, the govt probably classifies a lot of us as homeless. I know they classify me as homeless.

For that matter, I don't think we should change the first word to Tire because some people could get the wrong idea about the word 'rubber'.

And as far as the negative connotations to the term, if anyone looks down on homeless bag ladies that's really on them, and they really don't understand the name Rubber Tramp Rendezvous. Some subcultures have different terms/words/phrases to describe things. Before I became a part of this group I didn't know what a LEO was, the difference between grey and black water, or that some states don't have a DNR (they have a BLM). There's a lot to learn about this new lifestyle, and the lingo is part of that, and the RTR is part of the lingo.


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I don't see it so much semantics, as it is an issue of how gov't and the public react and respond to the terminology.

As you say, the government classifies you as homeless - this has a massive effect on how you are treated personally, as well as in relation to gov't policy and services.

So choice of 'words' or labels (especially these days when people pay fanatical attention to words rather than people) it can have a profound impact.

Since the movement has directly interaction with the gov't (by using BLM land) etc., as it goes forward and expands, I could see it becoming more important to have an accurate presentation.

God knows the MSM will seize upon the term "tramp" and they'll go to town with it if they should have to report on any negative incidents that might arise. They'll just delight in vilifying everyone pursuing this lifestyle as a dirty homeless parasite.
I don't think that the word 'nomad' is going to keep any vilifying at bay though. People with a negative view of tramps will probably already have a negative view of nomads too. Gypsies get a bad rap too. Ever heard someone say they were gyped out of money? That's where it comes from. The idea that nomads are untrustworthy is an old idea. I do not think that changing the name fixes the perceived problem of mistrusting travellers. If you are the kind of person who is disgusted by the basics of the lifestyle giving us a shiny new name isn't going to change your mind.


And before anyone responds with "nomad isn't a new word", yes I am aware of that, the proposed name would be new though. Thanx

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AMGS3 said:
I don't think that the word 'nomad' is going to keep any vilifying at bay though. People with a negative view of tramps will probably already have a negative view of nomads too. Gypsies get a bad rap too. Ever heard someone say they were gyped out of money? That's where it comes from. The idea that nomads are untrustworthy is an old idea. I do not think that changing the name fixes the perceived problem of mistrusting travellers. If you are the kind of person who is disgusted by the basics of the lifestyle giving us a shiny new name isn't going to change your mind.

You could be right. 
I've seen vids where the person's own family and friends was aghast a their choice to dwell in their van...and they didn't even name their lifestyle choice.
I do think that "nomad" might be perceived as more accurate and therefore easier to 'market' since the RTR is an organized component of a growing phenomena. As it grows, it will benefit from as few potentially negative vectors of perception as possible.
It's all in the name (and I'm proud of mine)

Of all the folks I spoke too about the meaning of Van Tramp, none thought it was about being van-homeless. Some actually had the balls to admit that they thought I was a van-gigolo... and they still got to know me and become friends! That's my kinda people right there.

John Muir referred to himself as a "tramp" (a traveler of the lands), I just do my traveling in a van.
Yes, I think the fact is, many of us embrace the idea of rejecting the mainstream.

Not just lifestyle but attitudes.

Similar to "1%" with outlaw bikers, but less extreme.

The whole Instagram Nomad phenomenon as a trendy lifestyle of wealthy youngsters is definitely despised by many here, I think will pass soon enough.
From what I'm seeing on this forum, RTR doesn't need any spit-polishing or marketing. People are drawn to the lifestyle through necessity of one kind or another, whether it's the need to be free of the increasingly tangled web of modern life or financial constraints. The challenge is going to be where are all these newly minted rubber tramps going to park? Seriously. My recent trip through Montana, Idaho and Wyoming showed me people sleeping in their vehicles in every venue where that was possible to do legally, plus a lot of not very stealthy "stealth campers." Plus a lot of trash left strewn in their wake.

If there is one single thing we could do to improve our "image" as rubber tramps, it's to police our own and convince everyone to pick up their trash, dammit. That is the one thing that truly threatens our future (parking privileges). The one Walmart in the Yukon that allowed overnight parking is now closed due to TRASH left by overnighters. That's what's giving the rest of us a bad name. I'd like to hear ideas for how to educate those who litter, so that the rest of us can continue to live our nomadic/homeless lives in peace.

The Dire Wolfess
Well said Moxadox.
I think that when we see other vehicle dwellers (or even just vacationers on a road trip) littering we need to speak up. I know that I've just ignored people I've seen littering before, thinking it'd be rude and awkward to confront them. Instead I just picked up bags of trash, cleaning up after my fellow travellers several times when I should have talked to them about it.
Confronting someone doesn't have to be obnoxious. It can be educational. Of course I say this, but (for me anyways) this is theoretical. I don't know how exactly I'll say it, but next time I see that I'm not just going to plan to pick up after them when they leave. It's not enough to just keep "packing out" what others have "packed in". We have to educate them to stop this bad habit instead of continuing it.


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The term “rubber tramp” has a long history. I am a rubber tramp, no question in my mind.

I am legally homeless. I have no physical address. I am not in the same place for too long. I live on public lands and in campgrounds. I travel. I visit friends and interesting places. This is the life of a rubber tramp. This is my life.


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Hmmm, Van Gigolo eh.....those stories would certainly make some interesting blog entries! :p

And of course an oldie from Cher:

Blanch said:
The term “rubber tramp” has a long history. I am a rubber tramp, no question in my mind.

I am legally homeless. I have no physical address. I am not in the same place for too long. I live on public lands and in campgrounds. I travel. I visit friends and interesting places. This is the life of a rubber tramp. This is my life.
Also add ... pick up and leave on (almost) a moment's notice for greener pastures. No roots to disentangle.

BTW, how is the smoke from the fire down there? Last week I was all set to go down to Yosemite/Tioga and the Ferguson fire started on that weekend.
QinReno said:
Also add ... pick up and leave on (almost) a moment's notice for greener pastures. No roots to disentangle.

BTW, how is the smoke from the fire down there? Last week I was all set to go down to Yosemite/Tioga and the Ferguson fire started on that weekend.

It’s hit or miss. Some days the smoke is bad and other days it is not awful. Yesterday was bad. I’m here until early August. This isn’t enough smoke to get me to leave. Sunsets are spectacular with all the smoke so that is a plus.

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I like FNT = Footloose Nomadic Travelers, kind of poetic, but of course Bob has his own trademark, so no one with any sense is going to tell him his business! (just kidding, I'm sure he would just laugh at any contrary suggestions from the noobee peanut gallery).
gsfish said:
OP, you might want to wait beyond two weeks of membership to suggest name changes for an event that has been foundational to this group for almost ten years. Plus there would need to be a "formerly known as RTR or Rubber Tramp Rendezvous" accompanying every reference to Rubber Nomad Rendezvous just so people could find it in a search.

I'm going to assume you're joking.
The first time I lived in a vehicle was in 1992...that's a long time before the "RTR". 
Is that enough cred for you to allow me to have an opinion? LoL

Hey, if you guys love the term "tramp" so much, it's all yours.

But it's not a label I'd ever accept, because it's absolutely not who I am...nor is it how I want to be regarded or treated by others.

It's hard enough to get respect from people in this world without handicapping yourself.

Simple as that.
It's a traditional term and I don't mind it.

In economic terms Bob owns the RTR<tm> trademark in this context and is unlikely to change the meaning unless it fits RTR<tm>. Road Traveller Rendezvous?
Road Traveler Rendezvous...I like it!  

The first time I heard the term "rubber tramp" was in the movie "Into the Wild", when the hippy couple used it to describe themselves to Chris.  And Chris was a "leather tramp", another term I'd never heard.

It's a pretty individual thing as to how anyone responds to the word tramp.  It will definitely be negative for some, if not most.  To think that words don't have power, and that how others view you doesn't effect you is naive in the extreme.