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Jul 8, 2020
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I am 58 and looking into early retirement, I have enough time more worried about insurance. Anyways Wife wants to keep the house for now but looking at building out a car hauler. My question is how big is to big I want to but once cry once my Truck is a 2004 Ford f250 super duty crew cab long bed with high top topper so my truck is approx 25 foot long by itself. when going boondocking will it be difficult with say a 20 -24 foot trailer?

I am specking out some trailers now and may find i have the horse trailer route top get the heavy build and clearance i want
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Welcome to the CRVL Forums   :) 

What state are you living in now ?   When I've traveled west of the Mississippi I've seen some rigs where the RV was towing a trailer with a motor boat attached behind that.  I don't see any of that here in the east.  (only with Tractor Trailers)   Different states probably have different regulations regarding over all lengths.  But the  western highways have miles of long straight roads.
Ty Sorry I live in Indiana now,and i am used to pulling a large horse trailer so my overall could be 50 feet or so

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