Vincent, my Van that Goghs... in progress

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It was warm and sunny here Friday after a long week of very cold temperatures.&nbsp; I told my boss I'd see him on Monday and away I went.&nbsp; I didn't stop to take photos, I just worked on the van as long as I had daylight.&nbsp; Mostly I just sewed some curtains and got them hung up.&nbsp; It's starting to look much more like a place to live rather than a cargo van interior.&nbsp; It's nice to really start to see the transformation happening.&nbsp; For the list of <a target="_blank" href="">things I got done see my blog</a>.&nbsp; Photos coming soon.&nbsp; Scouts honor.&nbsp; It feels good to have come this far.&nbsp; I'm close now.&nbsp; I can almost feel it.&nbsp; I expect to be out of my apartment by the end of January now.&nbsp; I think this can be done.<br>
Last evening I got a twin bed mattress for Vinny.&nbsp; I just tossed it in the back and came home.&nbsp; This evening I tried to wrestle it into the spot I had built for it.&nbsp; The damn thing must weigh more than Dr. Phil.&nbsp; So... I lost the battle.&nbsp; I determined a long time ago that I wouldn't have things in the van that I could not handle by myself.&nbsp; It defeats the whole purpose if I have to have help to do the most basic things.&nbsp; So, although I'm feeling the setback this evening, the mattress is going away tomorrow.&nbsp; I'll figure out something I can handle by myself and try again another day.&nbsp; Tonight, I'm just plain whooped droopy.<br><br>
Sorry to hear that! That must be a really heavy mattress, but I have to agree with the idea of not including anything that you'll need help with. Good luck!<br>
Walmart carries twin size 3" foam with a cover and sort of pillow for about $100.<br>I got my 4" foam from Foam Factory. They have covers too, I'm cheap- didn't get one. I bought the standard size and cut it&nbsp; to the size I wanted rather than paying more for custom cut.&nbsp; Shipping was free over $75. or so- so I could get a queen size cheaper than twin or full with the shipping.$90. for medium firm or something like that.<br>It comes vacuum sealed in a bag, so if you have your really sharp knife or razor blade (my preference)or really good and big scissors, a marker, measuring tape, a board to cut on and as a straight edge to mark with, and a clean and clear floor large enough for the operation all ready you can cut the bag it comes in and mark and cut the foam before it expands to it's full thickness. I cut it an inch smaller than I wanted each way and it was pretty close when fully expanded. It cuts much easier compressed than expanded.<br>just a lightweight option....<br><br>
It was my first night sleeping in my van last night.&nbsp; I LOVED IT!&nbsp; The bed is a tad hard, but I can fix that.&nbsp; I woke up hearing nature noises and watched the stars last night as I fell asleep and woke to an overcast rainy morning on the mountain.&nbsp; What an incredible view!&nbsp; I'm going to drive back out there tonight for another round (dog sitting for a friend who lives in a beautiful location.)&nbsp; I had everything I needed, though I forgot to take water.&nbsp; I wasn't sure their house electrical could handle my electric teapot, so I had to pass on the oatmeal this morning.&nbsp; I was plenty warm and just loved the whole experience!&nbsp; Looking forward to doing this again tonight after work.&nbsp; Life is good.&nbsp; It's starting to sink in that I can choose to wake up somewhere new each morning and still be perfectly at home.&nbsp; I love this!!!&nbsp; <br><br>I know I keep promising photos, and I will post some.... soon.<br><br>
I made curtains.&nbsp; Simple muslin from Wally's and my sewing machine.&nbsp; I didn't even take the time to use a thread that matched, just zip zip and they were ready to thread on the tension rods.&nbsp; The tension rods fit in Vinny's ribs, believe it or not.&nbsp; I used wire to hold the tension rods where they wouldn't pop out of place when driving, so far it's working.&nbsp; And on each side window, I put the reflectex stuff behind them for insulation.&nbsp; It's velcro'd in place so if I want to go somewhere and use JUST the curtains, I can.&nbsp; I do like the cozy feeling of the van now, and it's really starting to look and feel like a living space.&nbsp; I'm very pleased.&nbsp; And I've spent two nights in there already and really liked taking down the curtain and reflectex stuff on the back window and enjoying the stars.&nbsp; Ah... falling asleep with the stars?&nbsp; Not a bad life!!!&nbsp; Oh and all the sordid details on that <a target="_blank" href="">horrible mattress here.</a><br>
I also made curtains between the seats and the cargo area by sewing a simple rod pocket in two fleece throws for each side (a total of four fleece throws) one side is black (the outside) and the inside is natural like the muslin curtains.&nbsp; Unfortunately, I couldn't find plain black and went for a polka dot black, so it's not exactly stealth... but I'm loving it anyway.&nbsp; My first night out I could leave them open and enjoy the view of the landscape as I woke with the sunrise.&nbsp; More <a target="_blank" href="">details and photos on my blog</a>.&nbsp; Note the cork flooring with the rag rugs, it's working out great so far!&nbsp; And I'm plugged into shore power for a light and a small ceramic heater.&nbsp; It makes for a very comfortable evening with a good book curled up in bed.&nbsp; I also made some progress in my apartment today, and that feels good.&nbsp; I've got to get stuff packed away to storage, donated to charity and just plain thrown away.&nbsp; Too bad it's not yard sale weather around here, I could make a few bucks.<br>
What's the foil like material folding down from the windows? I see it all the time in RV's. Let's assume I have zero clue what it does (even tho I can figure out some of it's purpose) and spell it out for me. I want to be sure I understand its use fully is why I'm asking.<div><br></div>
The foil looking stuff is Reflectix, and it is a very pliable insulation that most folks use over windows for privacy and retaining heat.&nbsp; It also inhibits condensation, according to the website.&nbsp; I've attached it with velcro to the frames around my windows, that way it can come back out if I'm ever camping where there is a great view that shouldn't be covered.&nbsp; I have the back windows covered, but uncover them when driving for better viability.&nbsp; It is rather ugly to look at on the inside though, so I learned a trick (a little too late, but at least I learned it.)&nbsp; I found some contact paper that didn't make me want to hurl, it kind of matches my curtain fabric, and peeled off the paper and attached it to the reflectix on the inside of my window covers.&nbsp; It's relatively easy to do if you have a large table or bed to work on.&nbsp; Just roll out the Reflectix and stick down one edge of the contact paper, then carefully pull off the paper and smooth it out as you go.&nbsp; It worked beautifully and now I'm not staring at foil all over the place.&nbsp; Nothing looks more like a poorly made alien movie than foil everywhere.&nbsp; I keep saying I'll post photos, but I work during the daylight hours, and night photos just don't work out that well.&nbsp; So maybe this weekend I can take some photos of the windows I have covered with Reflectix and contact paper.&nbsp; It's one experiment that I'm happy with.&nbsp; However, the purple duct tape?&nbsp; That experiment didn't work out so well!&nbsp; LOL!&nbsp; <br>
Have you all seen this sketch from SNL?&nbsp; A friend of mine passed it along and I LOVED it!&nbsp; <br>Check it out before SOPA gets it.&nbsp; =)<br><br>
Thanks Carmen! I'm gonna pick some up to add to my rig.<div><br></div>
agh, you are lucky those tension rods work with your van! I remember the battles I had with them before I left. I eventually just decided to thumb tack my curtains up haha.&nbsp;
Well, actually Ryan, the tension rods didn't work that well.&nbsp; Or they worked until the first time Vinny flexed a bit.&nbsp; And the tension rod between the seats and the cabin worked until my manfriend tugged on the seatbelt and the tension rod went flying, LOL!&nbsp; They are all wired in place now with florist wire.&nbsp; So far... so good.<br>
I LOVE what the white wood and bead board do in your van, it lightens it up and makes it feel more airy, and I also like the muslim idea, it also adds to the feel. I like your van compared to others cause it doesn't feel so much like a dark cave. I think I'm going to get myself some bead board and white paint and do the same thing in my cargo trailer, you did a really nice job on your van.
My apartment is history.&nbsp; I expected this to feel like a triumph, but instead I have personal belongings (LOTS of them) spread between a storage unit, work, gallery space and my manfriend's place.&nbsp; I really DON'T want to live with my manfriend, but I've been couch surfing there a lot lately.&nbsp; I'm going to have to figure out a better way.&nbsp; Right now this isn't working and I am very frustrated.&nbsp; I wanted to be homeless by choice, I just didn't want to FEEL so homeless, uprooted and in chaos.&nbsp; I've got to find a way to make this work or else just get an apartment again.&nbsp; That would suck, but I could do it.&nbsp; Any suggestions?&nbsp; I am beginning to wonder if I can do this?!<br>
Sorry to hear about the frustrations Carmen. Remember that you just started this and are going through a period of adjustment. It's awkward but you'll work it out and get to what works best for you.&nbsp;<div><br></div>
There is a crude saying I like that says, "Standing with one foot in the past, one foot in the future, and pissing all over today." It sounds like you are trying to have all your stuff and live in a van at the same time. Thats a sure recipe for disaster. Being forced to get rid of all our stuff&nbsp; so that it fits comfortably in the van is both the best thing, and the worst thing about vandwelling. By keeping it all and scattering it everywhere you took away the best thing about vandwelling which is freedom from possessions. Its wise to keep the most important stuff until you know if you really like it, but generally you want it all to fit in a reasonably priced storage unit. <br><br>The most common reason people initially hate vandwelling is they have too much stuff piled into their vans and they are constantly moving it around and they can't find anything. If that is what is going on the key is to have less stuff and more organization. Plastic totes and drawers will usually be cheap and give you the organization you need initially.<br><br>Are you a vandweller or an apartment dweller? You really can't be both and be happy. Bob<br><br>
Thanks Bob, I owe you a beer sometime.&nbsp; I think that's exactly what I needed to hear.&nbsp; I know this isn't working but getting rid of all this stuff (while working 50-60 hour weeks) takes time and doesn't come with an UNDO button if I look back later and realize I should have kept such-n-such.&nbsp; I am divesting personal stuff, yes, and also the detritus of an art gallery and equipment for about 20 different art media.&nbsp; Even though I'm an business person now, I will go back to the artist stuff in time, that is in my blood.&nbsp; So keeping and releasing is a real challenge.&nbsp; I will keep working at it.&nbsp; Right now the chaos is just too much!&nbsp; Thanks for the challenge, I needed it!&nbsp; Carmen<br>
Bob, that's a great saying!&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Carmen, seems like you have some tough choices in that you still need some of your stuff. Why not put all your stuff in one place (storage) so you can access it when you need it or are ready to unload it and not feel so spread out?</div><div><br></div><div>One of the guys here...Blkjak,maybe? has set up his storage unit as a work space. I thought that was brilliant!</div>

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