Victorville...Always this windy?

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Jul 1, 2012
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How many of you out there have stayed in Victorville? We like the solitude of where we are and have a great place by this fantastic Joshua Tree but my goodness the winds that pick up around here around 2-3p.m. and on are madness! It's like a storm is about to start any minute... although none ever do. Just wondering if it's always this windy? Is it like this certain times of the year, or just because we're here! haha Other than the wind, the weather is beautiful and great...just wish I didn't have to rush my outside time, due to the wind.<br>On that note...does anyone know of any other nice open BLM land around or near Victorville/Adelanto? Just wondering if we can keep the great weather but get out of the wind somehow? I need my outside time! Thanks everyone, hope you're all having a wonderful day!<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
haha Yeah Don, the wallet was malfunctioning there! Came to get some work done but always just 100 miles from the coast!
Hey Sista K. Not too windy here. Plus. The lights of the city. Come on down.
<EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Wind is your friend, I keep telling myself. Get the wind generator out.</SPAN></STRONG></EM>
&nbsp;&nbsp; Hey K Storm, I think it is the time of the year. Temps up during the day cooling evenings. Wind wasn't bad when I was in Vville. Differen't time of the year. Tell J Kate the dog and Michael say Hi.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; Moby, Is the boxcar still there? You never know <IMG class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif">
Hello to everyone! Yeah the wind is whipping again today, I guess we picked a not so great time to be here...this morning the chill is enough to make me get back in bed...but we already rolled it up! ha Hoping the wind will stop enough for me to be able to get some guitar time in...think good still thoughts for us! Much love to all of you...and your little dogs too!
the closer you are to cajon pass the more wind.&nbsp; the air masses are always trying to equalize between the two different geographical regions.&nbsp; the high desert and the coastal plain.&nbsp; friends used to live in the hesperia/oak hills area it was windy every afternoon everyday of the year.&nbsp; beware in the adelanto area allot of meth heads, don't leave your gear unattended.&nbsp; highdesertranger
I'll be moving on in a few days, but you can see my current campsite near victorville on my latest blog entry.&nbsp; 2/3 mile further down the road there is a view of the trees around the mojave river, but that's off of BLM land.