Van-Tramp gets a girl

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Well-known member
May 5, 2013
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Planet Earth

You may have noticed that some of my photos recently started to include an Airstream? You may have noticed that some include a female from one angle or another? Or how about the two kayaks? Or how about the liberal use of the word “we”?

[img=150x150][/img] [img=150x150][/img] [img=150x150][/img]

I am coming out of the closet. This Van-Tramp has company, and it is a girl! How does a van guy get a girl to hang out with him? I am really not sure, but somehow it happened. I’ve been very lucky to say the least. Back in January I met a fellow full-timer – Kerri (@asolojourner). Kerri happened to be one of the first people I followed on Instagram. I have always admired her strength in doing this on her own so I was captivated way back.

[img=150x150][/img] [img=150x150][/img] [img=150x150][/img]

I know that van-guys are suppose to be single, alone – drifters if you will if – but if there is one thing I have learned in my travels, you simply do not pass up an opportunity. Be it a drink, a plate of food, or meeting a new person, you just have to grab hold of each as if it could be your last. So, when I had the chance to meet Kerri face to face back in January, I jumped at it, and how happy I am that I did.  I met a beautiful, funny, and smart woman living the very lifestyle I love and we connected big time! We have been hanging out and experiencing the South West together since then.

“We” has had a we-bit more meaning in my blog posts since then.


Make sure she logs on here, so we can tell her all the stories... *grin*
Van-Tramp and Kerri, sittin' in a tree
First comes love, then comes marriage
then comes Kerri with a baby carriage
That is very cool for both of you! I would scream for more pics, but that sounds a bit Have fun!
this is not exactly news, most of us would have known already but congratulations all the same, sounds like it has moved to a new level or you are getting ready to meet the parents.
I'm so naive ...I thought when you said "we" all those times, you meant you and Moose! Now that I know, I'm very happy for you. But does this have the Moose seal of approval?
Congrats & Happy Trails!

I've never understood this alone thing. I've got girls in many towns, and traveling companions any time I want them. Getting some alone time can be the hard part.

Enjoy each day, and cherish each moment, as if it is your last, for one day you will be right. Savor every moment, because life is too short to squander on anything but happiness.

Good Luck & Good Wishes, Always!
Don't know bout others, but I could see the updating on the status coming. Used to be Moose this or that, then it turned to 'we' lol. ;) Hope she logs in here, she sounds like a cool chick. :)
When she jumped up on the garbage truck and I held her steady i thought wow, young pretty and spry
Wonderful things do happen when you allow them to, have fun enjoy. Campfires were fun with OAKLEY
Happy for the two of you!   :)   Be sure to keep your own rigs, though.... :dodgy: