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Oct 19, 2012
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Hi all,<br /><br />One of the things I'm quite eager to undertake when I make the shift to full time vandwelling is blogging about it. I was wondering if anyone here currently blogs about their life on the road and if they would like to offer their blog site address on this page so I and any others could have a read.&nbsp;<br /><br />I would really like to read your vandwelling blogs.<br /><br />Vanhellsink
there are lots of blogger sites, blogger . com is owned by google I think.... anyhow make sure to post your link, and I think the journey getting there is enjoyable reading too! good luck!
Hi where_the_wind - I've been considering using wordpress, but still trying to work my way through all the bits and pieces like plug ins etc. Oh for a brain that understands technical things like computers, battery volts, wats, amps....Sometimes I wish everything to be as simple as a hammer, a simple hammer.<br /><br />Thanks for the good luck wishes.
Vanhellsink! love your handle btw! I'm with ya on the techno stuff, I'm clueless usually...&nbsp;
Hi blog addie is in my sig line Vanhellsink. Just for general info, I pretty much only follow blogs that provide a way to subscribe to them through Google reader...otherwise I just don't bother....there would be too much stuff coming into my email accounts...I have a lot of friends with blogs in Wordpress and I just don't follow them because of that....I need to have a streamlined set of places to look esp. when wifi is limited when I am on the road....<br />I don't even follow this forum when on the road....too ponderous for me...<br />Bri
bk2valve, I have Wordpress and subscribe to a lot of blogs.&nbsp; I elected not to get email.&nbsp; So when I want to see the blogs I follow, I just click on a link in my blog and I can see them all there without clogging up my inbox.<br /><br />Also, the Wordpress support forums are great if you run into a problem.<br /><br />I've had my blog for two years and prefer Wordpress.<br /><br />Of course, Blogspot has more bells and whistles, and there are some features that they have that I envy -- like their blogroll with photos that automatically puts the latest posts of blogs you follow at the top.<br /><br />edited to add - I also like the way Wordpress handles photos a lot better.
I have done wordpress and blogspot. I just do blogspot now, also as&nbsp;Bri said, I agree, I won't go thru the trouble to follow a wordpress blog.&nbsp;
Can't promise that my blog is too interesting, but a link is in the sig line. I'm gonna follow ALL the blogs!
Hey everybody. If we are going to have a blog list thread, I would like to make it as brief and concise as possible, with an easily searchable database, so what I propose is this:

We will back up on this thread, or start a new one. Anyone who wants their blog to be on the list, post it on the thread, or send me your link. I will post it into the original post as an edit. All the info will be organized onto one page, no searching necessary!

<p>Van blogging is fun... It's fun to see where everyone has been and what they are doing...</p><p>V.T.</p>
Vanhellsink said:
Hi where_the_wind - I've been considering using wordpress, but still trying to work my way through all the bits and pieces like plug ins etc. Oh for a brain that understands technical things like computers, battery volts, wats, amps....Sometimes I wish everything to be as simple as a hammer, a simple hammer.<br /><br />Thanks for the good luck wishes.
<br /><br />Oh my, I am right there with ya! All the things that supposedly make life easier, are SO difficult for me to understand! But maybe that's why there are so many types of people.&nbsp; If there weren't those of us who didn't get it, the geniuses that DO get it, wouldn't get to feel as useful, right? <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp; (leave me my delusions, they keep me warm at night. lol)
We will back up on this thread, or start a new one. Anyone who wants their blog to be on the list, post it on the thread, or send me your link. I will post it into the original post as an edit. All the info will be organized onto one page, no searching necessary!
<br /><br />Great idea, thanks!
Oh my, I am right there with ya! All the things that supposedly make life easier, are SO difficult for me to understand! But maybe that's why there are so many types of people.&nbsp; If there weren't those of us who didn't get it, the geniuses that DO get it, wouldn't get to feel as useful, right?&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp; (leave me my delusions, they keep me warm at night. lol)
<br /><br />It heartens me to think our dumbness is valued. Now move over, that bed of delusions is very comfortable. (And don't steal the covers)
So far mine is a pre-vandwelling blog, but. It exists.
Once you get the basics down in blogger I think its a great program. I haven't tried the others so I guess I am biased. My Blog is in my Sig
My travel blog has been static for a year now. At least you are finally headed out.