Update, Retirement, etc

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Learning one disaster at a time...
Dec 31, 2017
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So a bit of an update... Last day of work was last Friday. It will take 2 to 6 months for my retirement to fully process. I'll start seeing paperwork and partial checks soon though. Selling the house next. I have a friend that is interested in buying the house so if that goes through, I'll be out of the house by the end of September. Otherwise, the house will go on the market ASAP.

I'm moving "back home" to Louisiana. I plan to make my parents house my home base. (I will be needed sometimes when they have medical issues come up.) I've decided I want a used Class C or B+. I have no plans to tow a vehicle, but I do plan to keep my paid-for vehicle for easy transportation around home.

I'm not planning to buy a rig until the house is sold and/or my retirement pay is sorted. I just need to make sure my budget is spot on. I'm an over planner!
Be aware of the louisiana road use tax on vehicle registration. It is a tax on your car value. A 2014 honda crv cost 1300 bucks to register. Be sure to overshoot your mileage so it may lower the price a bit.
Make sure you get your heath insurance coverage sorted out.
Congrats!! Adventure is looming for you!! How exciting
RVTravel said:
Be aware of the louisiana road use tax on vehicle registration. It is a tax on your car value. A 2014 honda crv cost 1300 bucks to register. Be sure to overshoot your mileage so it may lower the price a bit.

hmmmm yes, i'll definitely check into that.... thanks
As one lifelong over-planner to another, you will do well wherever life takes you. Remember to just exhale. Best of luck to you. :cool: .
WOW you are on your way and it is fab your parents know they have someone to help if required :)

CONGRATS! Enjoy life out there on the road!
Nice! Retirement is a big step, life-changing, scary and exciting at the same time. Now you can do what you want to do... Congrats!
RVTravel said:
Be aware of the louisiana road use tax on vehicle registration. It is a tax on your car value. A 2014 honda crv cost 1300 bucks to register. Be sure to overshoot your mileage so it may lower the price a bit.

Wow!   I have 5 vehicles registered in Oregon, and the run about $70 each per year.
Well hell...The house has to go on the market... My friend that wanted to buy the house for rental property can't make it work....Too much interest/too high a payment. Calling realtors today...
I almost wish I had just set up my domicile in one of the easy no tax states before getting an apt in louisiana. I dont yet understand about the fed or state tax rules on domicile and living in two locations.
fingers crossed it goes fast for ya :) a good realtor can move that sucker for ya and I hope it happens!
RVTravel said:
I almost wish I had just set up my domicile in one of the easy no tax states before getting an apt in louisiana. I dont yet understand about the fed or state tax rules on domicile and living in two locations.

Moving from Louisiana to Missouri (19 years ago!) was a culture shock. I'm sure it will be a culture shock again. I know when you buy a vehicle in Louisiana, you pay sales tax on it and you're done. Here you pay sales tax and personal property tax yearly. Same for your house. I had not yet thought of the implications of buying an RV and still owning a vehicle. So much to consider! I guess I'll have to continue my research while waiting on the house to sell. No reason I can't select another state for residence and forward mail wherever I need to.
RoamerRV428 said:
fingers crossed it goes fast for ya :)  a good realtor can move that sucker for ya and I hope it happens!

Thanks! You're absolutely right. The last house I sold was under contract in 6 weeks and gone in 2 1/2 months.
sweet, that is a nice fast sale! hope this one is the same
Hey ****,

Good on you moving back to take care of your parents.  However, depending on where in La. you are moving back to I would consider Texas as a home base.  Louisiana does tax out of state pensions, but not Social Security.  You will find that the state has gone down hill since you left 20 years ago.  High crime, high poverty rates, a terrible economy, and corrupt state government make this one of the worst states to live in.  Hot weather, high humidity, tornadoes, and the risk of hurricanes top off the misery of this state.  It also has the highest vehicle insurance rates in the country due to uninsured motorists.  The property insurance rates are also very high due to the recent years of hurricane damage.

As a life long La. resident I plan on starting the full timer lifestyle in a couple of months and leave this place and won't come back.  Lots of residents love this state, but I can't see why.  Anyway, Texas has no taxes on out of state pensions, and has a red hot economy.  I would use Texas as a home base.

A friend of mine, a Louisiana native, recently moved back from New Hampshire to take care of his elderly parents.  He has only been here a couple of years and can't wait to leave the state and not come back. 

Just my .02
Glynb said:
You will find that the state has gone down hill since you left 20 years ago.  
Thanks Glyn. I'll do more research before changing my home of residence. I have considered Texas too. I'm not worried about crime rate that much since my parent's place is very rural. I'm not planning on putting roots down anywhere right away. It would be easier to manage my mail though if it comes to family.