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WheelEstate USA

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2013
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On the road for summer
I used to be one of those who hit the ground running in the morning, coffee in hand and off I went to tackle the day.

Since I retired, I've gotten lazy in the mornings, so I always try to find a place to park that allows me that comfort. I dislike jumping out of bed and driving immediately.

I like lounging in my robe, leisurely enjoying my java, and letting the day unfold gently. Having a motorhome has afforded me that comfort, along with that morning "nature call" in my own facilities. I can even grab a quick shower quite easily.

Things will be slightly different with our impending switch to a van. A van, that at first, will have nothing but our totes, a mattress, and a bucket. Sure, we'll have a 1 burner stove to make coffee, but I have a feeling that we're going to find ourselves drinking lots of Mickey D's senior coffee and using their facilities while we do the interior build, which will include a potty and small campervan holding tank under the floor....they only hold 9-10 gallons usually.

I've lived in vans, but never with a partner and its been a while. I still remember the rudiments and there's lots of "reminder" hints here.
But...how about some tips from y'all on ways to make this transition easier for Margie. She's down for this 100%, but still has a bit of trepidation about some of the changes.
So....what say you ladies....what would make a change like this more comfy/appealing for you. (yes, I'm gonna put a seat on the bucket).
(I'll take hints from you guys too....I'm an equal opportunity kind of feller)
First and foremost, make sure that there is something, even if it is just a shower curtain around that bucket. Privacy is important. No woman wants to share her business with the outside world. Involve her in the build, let her help you decide where things will go, even handing you tools makes it our project not just look what Jay did. Let her add some of those feminine touches that make a van a home. Decorative curtains and matching bedding may seem silly to a man but they are important to most women. Let her whine a bit if she needs to, change can be hard but in the end it will be worth it.
I think if I were to hit the road with a partner in a van I'd pack a tent along on the occasion that you end up somewhere set up for a few days. It would allow more room and place to put stuff when you want to really clean out the van.
That's just me. I have a tent that I think would be good for this. It is stand up height and made of heavy canvas with a floor made from that heavy vinyl truck tarp stuff. It is called a Kodiak and isn't cheap but is built like a canvas fortress. The poles are even solid steel.

Anyone else out there in vanland carry a tent along as an extra room?
I think the tent idea in a van is great......if planning to stay in one spot for more than a nite and able to pitch it , your right.....more room & relaxation!!! it also give the other person a place to go for privacy when needed
I think a tent is a real good idea, especially since we'll be doing our build on the fly. It will give us a neat, covered temporary storage to stack totes and stuff we need out of our way without drawing quite as much attention.
Maybe even as a potty chamber.

It could also come in handy in lieu of a couch if I wanna chase Margie out sometime :D:D
Simran: I also have a canvas Kodiak tent (10 x 14), which I'm planning to stuff into my van. I was afraid it was overkill, so I'm glad someone else on the forum has one and finds it useful.

Jay: To add to the good advice already provided by others...
Each of us is the world's leading expert on our own thoughts and feelings--and, of course, not all men have the same preferences, and not all women have the same preferences. In that spirit, I'll mention what may be obvious: Make sure to ask Margie, repeatedly (because gentle people can sometimes be hesitant to ask for what they want, and may need to be encouraged to speak up) over the days and weeks of the transition if she can think of anything that would make it more comfortable for her.

Good luck to you on your move and transition, and even in your smaller quarters I do hope you get the chance now and then to lounge around in your robe. :)

Have you looked into a cargo trailer? How much would that cut gas mileage?
Panther, you're a smart man. I forgot to mention the obvious, ask Margie. If she says everything is fine, it's not necessarily so. You know your wife, if she seems uncomfortable, she probably is even if she doesn't tell you so.
PastTense...No plans for a trailer right away...one step at a time, but not out of the question later.

Mike...missed your post. Agreed, privacy can become more important in a smaller space.

DD....Margie isn't the "Suzy homemaker" type, more of a tomboy. Decor has always been up to me, but I try to include a bit of fem appeal. As a guy, I'm comfortable some pastels, etc....just not into pink.
I'll allow for her suggestions.

GP....Yup, I want her to feel at home in our surroundings. I doodle designs and leave room for Margie to add her ideas.
Thanks for your kind thoughts.

DD....You nailed it with Margie simply going along. She'll agree with whatever I want, but I can tell if she's only appeasing me, which is her nature. Sometimes, I have to pry things out of her to get her own feelings.
I try to watch her subtle dissatisfaction to certain things.
Frankly, she's very child-like, so that is somewhat of a special challenge sometimes.
Although my GF doesn't stay with me full time in the van, she's there quite often. Because my bed takes up a majority of the van's interior space, we find that we have to take turns going back and forth from the front of the van to the rear. There is literally not enough room for both of us to walk back and forth at the same time without bumping into each other. So I usually sit in the front captain chair while she's doing her thing in the back, whether that means changing clothes or on the loo, etc. When she's done, then it's my turn to go back to change, or make the bed, etc. I'm not saying this is a good or bad thing...it just is. Maybe you might find yourself in the same situation due to tighter space in a van versus an RV...dunno. Yes, it does sometimes get annoying, as usually she's the one telling me to hurry up back there so she can do her thing. When I first started out doing this whole thing, I didn't think another person would be with me. So I/we have been learning to adapt to a new way of doing things. Fortunately though, she still has her apartment so at least I can drop her off whenever she needs her own space, haha.
If you are going to be in places where biting bugs are a problem, I would recommend a screen tent. I can put up with a lot of things, but mosquitoes and horse flies drive me to distraction. Having a place to cook, eat, vegitate, read, or snooze without swatting is priceless. You can get them with side curtains that will work for rain and privacy in anything but high winds. - Spiff
SpaceMan...That's a good thought. I already have military mosquito netting to make van door/window screens.
The screen unit might serve us better than a tent in the whole scheme of things since it will also make a nice livingroom. I'll check on that.
One thing you need is two comfortable places to sit in the van. One of us is fine on the bed but where does that leave the other person? Here is a solution I stumbled on:


I travel with my dog like this. However, to prevent jumping from the dog and distractions to my driving, my dog is in a homemade seat belt. It will also be more secure for the dog in case of an accident.