You're right, we have no personal contact at all, let me first say that I recognize you to be a master wordsmith, and I congratulate you on your ability to make your points; errant though they may be.
Unfortunately I don't have time right now to address each of your responses, but I'll synopsize my reply for you.
For a guy who has so little time, it's impressive that you managed to put up two lengthy posts back to back.
- snip -
Your use of the word "predator" in describing law enforcement management is perfectly illustrative of Lt. Col. Dave Grossman's essay
"On Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs" which describes very accurately the kind of people who choose to go into the military and law enforcement, and how (and the
why of that "how") they become who they are.
That essay is actually an excerpt from a book Grossman co-authored. I've read that book, still have it in a box somewhere...
Grossman named his company Killology. He makes a handsome living supporting the trend toward hair trigger policing, under the new mantra of officer safety.
I heard through the grapevine that Grossman lectured in Las Vegas, and that one of the cops who shot Erik was in attendance. I emailed Grossman, told him the story, gave him Erik's bio (West Point grad, master's degree after the Army, admired by almost everyone, etc.) and asked him if he was entirely comfortable instilling and justifying mindset that led to Erik's death.
He didn't respond.
And, to set the record straight, I was not referring to Grossman twisted interpretation of the relationship between the people and the government. (WE are not sheep.) What actually came to mind was Bertrand de Juvenal's brilliant observation that "a nation of sheep must, in time, beget a government of wolves."
Those aviation security thugs in the video were never sheepdogs in their lives. They're wolves.
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And last, your broad statement about the dishonesty and corruption is more than an unfounded indictment, it is the statement of an anarchist.
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And yes, what we're seeing today IS symptomatic of many failures on our parts and failures of leadership...
Thanks for admitting that! a lack of personal integrity by many;
Yep. the world being run for profit (wars included... Raytheon will be getting a new $60million order for Tomahawk missiles soon,)
Disgusting, but true. Tip of the iceberg, actually. and a total lack of empathy for anyone who espouses a different point of view.
Speaking of empathy, here's a teachable moment: When I bemoan the corruption, you call me an anarchist. When agree with me later in the same post, what does that make you?
I'd enjoy continuing this offline, hepcat, and I suspect I'd enjoy meeting you if the opportunity arose. While pertinent to the OP and the vandwelling community, I don't think it's appropriate to go any further here. Thanks though, and feel free to PM if you wish!
Now back to live coverage of the UAL follies!