Not seeing unexplained phenomena is a status symbol and no hard-minded intelligent, rational person should give it up. Anyone who sees such things and believes such things should deny it for the sake of humanity, science, our sacred progeny and various other whatchallit, common sense and conventional wisdom certitudes valuable to the species.<br /><br />Having said that, and because I'm not hard minded, intelligent, rational and couldn't care less about the future of humanity, I'll confess I've devoted several years to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and can point to countless official, secure, irrefutable data sources proving just about anything can happen. And that when it does, it couldn't care less whether anyone believes in it or science thinks it would violate rules it would like to impose on the Universe.<br /><br />I'm not talking about flying saucer reports or abdominal snowmen. I'm talking about a ritualized official hundreds of times per day attempts to force randomness into a resistent Universe and genuflect to Heisenberg. <br /><br />But instead of Heisenberg, it's all being controlled by the moons of Jupiter, maybe. Or some other damned thing.<br /><br />It's somewhat complicated.