Traveling and the VA

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2016
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After my pleasant visit with my primary care and a visit with two separate x-ray techs (went to get a simple x-ray to try and track down what's up with the area by my groin and hip, the first tech got me on the gurney and just grabbed my knee and pulled it down to the gurney, I raised up so fast I hit the x-ray machine, taught her some new words and got another tech) I stopped by the patient advocate and found that the VA will deliver meds to a PO Box or a mail forwarder. 

Found a cheap rv park so I think I can use it as my address and have my meds forwarded. Maybe.. if the Advocate is correct. One more tiny step in getting out of here.

:) I hope things work out for you. Controller came on Friday, thanks again

It never ceases to amaze me that many of us who draw Federal benefits of some form such as VA or SSA may have a problem acquiring them.  I personaly lived in 3 states while working.  Since I paid taxes in all 3 I think that our Federal benefits should be the same no matter what state we live in.  Our monetary benefits usually go to a bank or on a debit style card so what's the big deal if we travel from state to state?

You're welcome. USPS is quick.

My benefits would stay the same no matter what state I live in, I just wanted to maintain my Texas residency and keep the same doctors with the VA. I have to take monthly Pro-Time tests for my warfarin level and don't want to go thru the hassle of registering as a patient in every state if I am not home. I have offered to buy my own test machine but they would not accept the results from it or an outside clinic. A big ol' bunch of crap but workable...Maybe

Keep planning Gunny. It's motivation for us when someone launches.
I plan to get established with a VA in the vicinity of where I'll spend the winter. Probably Las Vegas area. In an emergency, I suppose I could be seen at any VA hospital?
The VA is supposed to be making it easier to get care away from your primary area. I haven't tried it yet, when I did last year it was not so easy. In an emergency you can receive care anywhere and the VA will (probably) cover it. I am registered in Los Angeles from when I had my chemo years ago and San Francisco where my pacemaker checks are done on my home machine.

Should you run into any issues go to the patient advocate. Anything you tell them is documented and the staff hates it. Good and bad is put on the staffs record. I have done it twice and had one nurse removed from the cardio-version clinic. Just don't accept any ******** from them. You earned your care..

I can't advocate for Gunny's post enough. It's a damn shame we can afford to pay for wars but not our returning soldiers care...ALL OF IT!

The VA in Seattle sucked so my dad quit going. Their treatments, even your average every day blood draws were old fashioned. I also won't get into Madigan Army Hospital too much but I hope it's improved since the 80s.