Traveling and pain management

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
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New Jersey
Hello Folks!

Just a little back story.  I am 51, last summer had a metal staircase collapse under me at work...ended up with a L5/Sacrum fusion, and my back is a mess.  They wanted to put me out on disability but I need 3 more years at my job to get a pension so I am trying to stick it out because an extra $775 a month starting in my mid 60's for life would be a big plus.  I own a cabin with a little over an acre of land in the Pocono mts of Pa, can live there for about $160 a month plus utilities.  I am looking at wanting to be a snowbird .  

I am currently in pain management, and will be for life.  I do have reasonable pain relief with medical marijuana, not as good as being on opiates, but when I had my pain meds shut off for 2 months I am glad my surgeon recommended I apply for medical marijuana and qualified for it just off the MRI report of my back.  My pain management Dr I have too  see him twice a month, but what do people do while on the road traveling?  The Dr won't call in prescriptions for me or give me dated prescriptions.

I have given thought to just traveling to states that allow recreational or medical marijuana, but would really prefer to be on a prescription, it allows me to function more normally.  Just wondering what people are doing?


As a veteran you are entitled to medical care anywhere in the US of A.
Hey Deryk,

I'm a physician who is disabled with spinal stenosis. I don't take opioids because no one will prescribe them on a reliable basis. I do take cannabis as medicine, and I do have a med card in AZ, and only travel to "legal" states. If you have Rx meds, and you want to keep them, think long and hard before leaving your current provider, because with the current trend of forced tapers or even sudden discontinuation, you may find yourself unable to obtain your medication. Just a thought to ponder ;)

The Dire Wolfess
Welcome deryk to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
My wife uses CBD oil (Cannibas) for her fibromyalgia, which is basically random nerves firing in random places. It is legal most places, and lacks the THC, which gives marijuana it's psycological effects of getting "high".

The oil isn't neccesarily cheap, but most likely, much cheaper than medical weed.

This oil made a huge difference in her ability to function normally when having a flare up. She still works as a site engineer for a house building company, and does a lot of physical work at job sites in bad weather. Some people we know who also have fibro, are on full disability, which, she doesn't want to do.
Thank you all for your input. I have thought about trying cbd oil, but my concern is since it isn't regulated not sure what you will end up with and who has the stronger cbd oil...can I ask you for a link ckelly78z?

Moxadox Makes sense to stay to the states where it is legal... hopefully by the time I am ready it might be federally legal which would help so much. I am trying to stick it out working but it's rough. I want to get out of the area for the cold months because it makes me hurt more and shoeling the white stuff is zero fun lol.
You can't go wrong with Charlotte's Web CBD oil. It's literally the gold standard. Another one I really like is CBDistillery. Their product is fully tested. They make a 30mg capsule that is just the cat's pajamas for pain treatment.

The Dire Wolfess
This is a serious issue for those of us with pain management issues. I had been taking oxycodone for years with no issues of more than physiological dependence. I refused Oxycontin as I didn't want the constant level of opiates on my good days. Working with the pain docs, a couple of years ago, I switched over to an old drug "formulated" for chronic pain, Belbuca. It's (buccal) buprenorphine, same active ingredient as Suboxone. And bloody expensive! But it works well enough and has less side effects than traditional opiates.

Then, with the national opiate issues, the pain clinic decreed that I had come back every month! I broached the subject with my PCP of 17 years, and since the med is buprenorphine, he's willing to give me a prescription for three months at a time. No more oxycodone hassles!

Hubby has an AZ mmj card. It's no good in NM, though, where we spend a lot of time. But, I'm a resident of NM, and if I were to get a card there, effectively, he will have no problem with possession in NM as long as he were with me. And AZ will honor mmj cards of other states. The only caveat is that while you can possess mmj as a nonresident of AZ, you can't buy it there. So, in order to bring your mmj to AZ from another state, you have to come in from the North, where the Border Patrol is not blocking your way.

Now Utah is set to honor non-residents' mmj cards.

So, if you spend a lot of time in AZ, just get a card from any other state. And then it's up to you how you get your supply. For max amount, the best dosage vehicle is oil to vape or edibles, as 2.5 oz of flower won't last heavy smokers very long (if you smoke stogies).

It's a stupid game, but sometimes we all have to play it.
Thanks Ted,

Yeah it is a sad game they make us play. The Pain Management doctor I am currently seeing wants me in every 2 because he was recommended to me by my Lawyer, when the Workman's Comp suite is over with I would like to find a Dr that would let me come in once a month. I will try to remember in 2 weeks (just went yesterday) to ask him about the BelBuca. He said he will be trying to keep my pain down with lower level opiates and muscle relaxants (which I do admit helps a little. I have been on a 6 hr pain med, well if I take it at 1am, and wake up at 7:30am I would spend the first hour of every morning in a lot of pain before someone suggested smoking some pot. Did that and it was a huge help. Got my MMJ card so it makes life a little easier.

Part of me thinks to sell my cabin and buy something in southern colorado area where it's legal, get my mmj card and stick to the states to travel where it's either legal or they are ok with me carrying in their state like Az. Also if I stuck in Pain Management I could drive back once a month if I absolutely had to.

I'm a former AZ mmj card carrier. If you find a spot more than 25 mi. from a dispensary, in AZ, you can grow your own. More remote you are, the more free you are.
My wife uses ULTRA HEMP 500 hemp oil for her fibro, and she gets a 1 oz bottle for $40 that only requires a few drops at a time. Made one heck of a difference in her life quality.
Ted, be really careful to check what the regulations are in the state where you get your buprenorphene. Some states have adopted ridiculous "guidelines" that forbid prescribing ANY opioid to anyone testing positive for THC, whether or not they possess a valid MMJ card. Reason I'm aware of this? I'm a physician. We now take orders from the Federales and the States, rather than being independent experts.

The Dire Wolfess
Thanks Dr.Wolfess,
I happen to have a doc who specifically does not do a UDS. He also still uses paper charts. He's close to retirement, so who knows? Besides, I didn't say that I am using mmj. ;-) I'm of the philosphity that it's better to ask forgiveness than permission. Besides, even at the pain clinic, they would give patients one freebie bad drug screen before they were cut off. But one of the lesser known CDC guidelines specifically says that patients do not need to be cut off of opiates in the presence of mmj. The pain clinics are just super strict, like only writing one month Rx at a time for the Belbuca, vs the Feds' more lenient requirement of the doc being legally able to write a three month Rx. Hopefully things may change before too long with anti-marijuana Sessions gone and the changing political environment.

And no, just like good camping spots, I"m not telling anyone who my precious doc is!

Is it possible the immediate alleviation of financial stress, could remove enough stress to make a life improvement; especially in cases of fibromyalgia?
Yes,yes,yes,yes. My pain has been significantly attenuated since I got on the road. Ask Hubby. He's heard a lot less bitching about it. I can take care of myself better minus all the stressors of maintaining a S&B house. And if I'm not happy with where I am, I can split. Hot springs help a lot.
Hell yes, I can vouch for life on the road as a good pain management lifestyle! My arthritis is still there, you know, and I do my share of complaining about it. After nearly 4 years on the road, I find myself with at least 60% less pain than I used to have. I sleep much, much better, which of course makes everything else better.

I think it has something to do with a sense of having control over my stressors. If a place feels tense to me for any reason, I go someplace else. If my neighbors are noisy, I go someplace else. If I want to surround myself in natural beauty, I seek out a place that fills the bill and go there.

Before I hit the road I was on 3 different blood pressure pills, just to keep below 140/90. Now I have to check my BP regularly to see if I even need to take any. Many days I stay within 120/70 without anything! That only happened after 3 years though, so it seems to be a function of retraining my nervous system to actually believe it doesn't have to be so nervous all the time ;)

That plus religiously taking my CBD meds. Just wish CBD wasn't so expensive...but the new Farm Bill will liberate hemp, so eventually prices should go down.

The Dire Wolfess
WalkaboutTed said:
Yes,yes,yes,yes. My pain has been significantly attenuated since I got on the road. Ask Hubby. He's heard a lot less bitching about it. I can take care of myself better minus all the stressors of maintaining a S&B house. And if I'm not happy with where I am, I can split. Hot springs help a lot.
Mmmm, hot springs! Which are your favorite ones so far? Mine are Gila Hot Springs, near the Gila Cliff Dwellings. They have a primitive campground right at the springs, very convenient and beautiful.

The Dire Wolfess
oh yeah I am totally believer that reducing stress, will reduce some pain. I went back and forth with my job for 2 months...they didn't want me back because I am "damaged goods" pain levels were real high from anxiety. Fortunately I have a good lawyer and am back working for now...33 months to a pension, that is my sole drive. My back feels a little better because I am not freaking out about losing an income...I am 51, wasn't "prepared". I know when I head up to my cabin for a few days I always feel more relaxed up there being out in nature (Just the mountains of Pa are too cold half the year and I guess arthritis has set in) So Travel during the cold months to stay in the warm zone.
Hi deryk, Thnaks for your post. I am so new to this I am not sure qualify to respond. I too have been looking to hit the road but I am tied to maintenance meds. Meaning I would have to establish a home state with Dr.s I could return too every three months. This is a problem especially during these times there are few places to turn. Medical or Domestic Mary Jane is of great use I know my fingers wouldnt move without it. I spent 35 years as Hairdresser Barber. I have so many questions I dont know where to begin, or who to trust this is all very new to me. Please let me know if you come across some info on the subject. Nice to make your acquaintance. I wish you wellness. Patrice

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