Transmissions, GoodSam and AAA, oh my!!

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2014
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Yep, add that to my list of adventures.

Was 7 hours in to my long trip with zero problems when I died at a stoplight. Was able to limp my rig across the intersection and totally block the side drive to a quaint inn at Fredricksburg, TX. (they were nice enough to seat me at the back and give me a big glass of wine on the house, wasn't there long enough to sample their Bulgarian cuisine, dratz) Called in to GoodSam, was advised they could send someone out for towing, but questioned about coolant levels. I was in Hill Country going over way too many hills in 100 degree temps, so we agreed to let it cool and see what it does before getting towed in. (coolant level in the reservoir was good to go, no leaking or smoking anywhere). Temp on the gages never went over half between cold and hot, I always watch that.

Engine cooled at started and drove, so assumed that's what it be and decided to just baby it and go really slow and take more breaks. I did that all through San Antonio (we won't mention the 2 near wrecks) and got pulled over at a gas station to check on things, put it into park and it died again. Argh. :s Was not even using the dash A/C and keeping an eye religiously on the temp gauge. Waited again. It was starting to cool off as the sun was going down, and was still a few hours from my destination, so off I went again.

Thirty minutes later I caught a whiff of something, and my nose is very sensitive to engine smells, so the next exit I pulled off into yet another gas station. Could see smoke this time, got out, walked around, noticed a long line of fluid trailing me, then under the motor a huge red puddle still dripping. Crap.

So, tried calling GoodSam back, after going through their automated system and holds, and got hung up on, twice! Hmm... :huh:

Then tried AAA. Let me tell you, them guys were on the ball!! Had a tow truck there in an hour and half to tow me, no charge, to the service place they assumed could fix me up. Got to sleep in the parking lot at said place, slept like a rock. Next morning, went in and was told they couldn't fix me. After calling about 5 different places found a Ford dealership that could fix me. Called AAA again with what was going on and they set me up again, along with securing a car rental. So, a second tow, no charge as both tow's were within their 100 mile range.

And so for the rest of my trip my rig was about 3 hours from where my destination was, was zipping around in a little rental, had to find hotels for the 5 nights I was without my 'home'. And then the big repair bill for a new transmission.

And before it is asked, yes I just got the thing 2 weeks ago. As it was used, it was bought 'As Is'. It drove about 15 hours perfectly before any issues arose. The dying I was told was due to the transmission locking up. Just one of those things, fix it and go on. I might add, if you are going to be broke down, in and RV is the way to go! haha. Other than they kinda take your home when it's being worked on. Oh well, sh*t happens, right?

Guess I could moan and whine about things, but actually it all turned out pretty good. Had plenty of time to get there, got pulled over to safe places so wasn't in any danger, had the $$ to fix it, got to see my good friend and go to the reunion, and felt good knowing had someone to call to help when it's needed.

Anyways, wanted to give a huge thumbs up to AAA.. they didn't let me down. :D
Eeeeeeeeewwww....a new tranny??? Damn...that's too bad.

but, like you said...

glad your back on the road, everything is fix't, and you're happy with the results. :D

I think you're gonna do just fine in this RV lifestyle!!

oh, and kudos to AAA!
I'm glad you got all fixed up even though breaking down isn't a fun way to start your road trip.

We've found that Ford dealers are the most willing to tackle RVs because they're used to working on big trucks.

Also have seen lots of complaints about GoodSam so it looks like AAA is the way to go. Thanks for the information!
Oooh,ouch. Must have been expensive. Burned up trannies are common in the RV world. Too many are overloaded. So you now have no engine overheating problems?
You had the main thing covered before heading out. MONEY. Hope everything goes well for you.
I've had good luck with coach-net. AAA's RV coverage gets bad reviews, I'm glad you had a good experience with them.

Thanks for sharing your experience. I have AAA on the Prius and they have saved me several times. I have Good Sam on the RV but have never had to use them. The GS contract will be up in a few months. Looks like it's time to check out AAA-RV and Coach Net as possible alternatives.

BTW, I love your attitude. You know that "sh*t happens" so you just deal with it. Also, love that you made yourself a savings account for the occasion!

Suanne ... who's taking the RV on an extended trip in January
Thanks all!! I'm already trying to plan the next getaway, haha. :)

After the repair, drove it the rest of the 425 miles home without issues. Is it bad to admit that I was quite happy to see the flat yuckiness of western Oklahoma? haha After all those hills, flat was kind of nice. :)

The temperature gauge never really got near the hot zone, halfway was the highest it went. I am assuming (lol.. and you know what they say about ass-uming) that it wasn't ever an engine overheating, maybe just the tranny building up too much heat, either it will do that or it was about to go out, not sure. But it sure wouldn't drive with the temp near the halfway mark.

I wasn't towing anything and my holding tanks were all close to empty except a 1/3rd fresh water. I was sooooo glad to have said freshwater, lol. After stopping those times to wait for the cooldowns, took 2 showers to keep myself cooled down. Pure heaven = stopped at a rest area and taking a cold shower in 100 degrees weather. haha!! :) Anyway, my point being I wasn't carrying much more weight above a bare rig. So I am hoping it was just time for the tranny to meet it's maker.

What I did find kinda funny was calling around in a major city (I can't imagine being broke down in Podunk City, eek!), it was either they don't work on RV's, or they don't work on tranny's. So very glad Ford came through after six 'no's' . :) From now on will just call them first.

Oh, and just in case it might help anyone else, the service guy was told from the mechanic to tell me to make sure, in the future, that any time I have been driving it a while and need to go into reverse for something, like backing up into an rv spot, to let the engine idle first for about 5 minutes before reversing. He said the transmission builds up a lot of heat and that will help prevent any future damage from the built up heat. The previous owners may not have done this or had known. But if it helps someone out there, the info is good to know. I know I will be doing this in the future. :D

Also, would like to add, I just got the AAA Plus. When it was sounding like it would just cover vehicles I asked them if it covers RV's. He told me that it covers any vehicle I am in, including RV's. I don't know if there is a specific AAA for just RV's, I just got the regular. Coverage was like $85 for the year. Paid for itself with the first tow.

Cheers all!!
Ryannis (the smiley fanatic)
I don't have an RV and haven't needed a tow. I have road service on my Verizon account at $5 month. have used it for a few battery jumps and lock outs. The deal is not connected to a car, but service wherever the phone is located. I have rescued damsels in distress.
Ryannis said:
The temperature gauge never really got near the hot zone, halfway was the highest it went.

On older vehicles the temp sender may be covered with crud or the gauge is otherwise degraded so that it is no longer accurate. You can ask a shop to check what the actual temp is or you can get an infrared temp gauge for about $20 to check it yourself.
Ryannis said:
Also, would like to add, I just got the AAA Plus. When it was sounding like it would just cover vehicles I asked them if it covers RV's. He told me that it covers any vehicle I am in, including RV's. I don't know if there is a specific AAA for just RV's, I just got the regular. Coverage was like $85 for the year. Paid for itself with the first tow.

Cheers all!!
Ryannis (the smiley fanatic)

Glad it worked out for you.

I'm not sure there is a single AAA. Rather, there appears to be a number of state clubs that are in some kind of confederation. So things can vary from state to state.

I've seen the fine print from AAA NY. They won't cover any trailer, so if you have a problem with a travel trailer or fifth wheel, you're on your own.

They won't provide roadside tire service for anything with dual wheels.

If you're more than fifty yards off a paved road, they won't leave the road to tow you.

All in all, I've decided to sign up with a REAL RV service, like Coachnet.

When I was a child~~~

I knew a man who ran the local AAA service. If I mentioned his name, 90% of the men would recognize it, as he has a famous pro football coach son. He had two records in the California AAA during the 60's. The most complements, and the most complaints. He would just as soon leave you stranded on the mountain as tow you back and rebuild your rig. I learned customer service attitudes from watching this man.

I have stories~~~

My USAA auto policy has roadside on it. Well worth the buck or two it costs.
Yea. To the OP....
Heat is what kills transmissions. Make sure that nice new unit has an oversized cooler up front out in the breeze. Reverse is the most fragile gear pack. Be nice to it.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Congrats on mastering the situation.