Tragic Propane Heater Accident

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Aldi will be selling a Kidde battery op CO detector next Wednesday for $15.
I was looking for other solutions and ran across a Zodi x40 vented tent heater. It is oversized and too expensive for me. Are there other small air exchange heaters made?
Every Road Leads Home said:
I'd personally never go to sleep with an un vented propane heater running.  With the right seeping bag and/or blankets sleeping in 30 degree weather is a piece of cake.  0 degrees is very doable.  Getting out of bed is another story.....that's when those heaters are worth their weight in gold.

Right, it's only during waking hours that I would use propane. But it's those leaking during the night things that concern me.
I re-read this thread. CO is pretty much the same weight as air and it freely mixes into the atmosphere. The instructions for CO detectors state to mount them mid way up the wall. Some instruct to mount them head high in a sleeping room.
I run an Olympian all night sometimes in really cold weather. I have a small vent immediately underneath it for fresh combustible air, my rv door at the top has enough of a gap that it vents the air out without having to crack any other windows. I have a battery powered CO detector above my bed on the ceiling, and a 2nd one (12v coach powered) on the floor that is a dual propane/co detector.
I have been running it like this for many years with no problems and no alarms, there is a number readout on the battery powered co detector so i can see if it ever builds up, which it hasn't. I do feel much safer knowing there are 2 co detectors.
The catalytic type do produce less CO.

But for me anything unvented gets turned off before I start getting sleepy.

Lost a good friend to CO so extra cautious.
Itripper said:
I run an Olympian all night sometimes in really cold weather. I have a small vent immediately underneath it for fresh combustible air, my rv door at the top has enough of a gap that it vents the air out without having to crack any other windows. 

Olympians are great. If I had a larger vehicle that's the route I would go.
John61CT said:
Lost a good friend to CO so extra cautious.

Yes, all will get turned off at night. Sorry you lost a friend. Caution is best.