Totoro (my box van)

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Oh! I see! The plot of land IS a godsend. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br>I can see now why having a huge truck doesn't bother you. In that case, I am doubly excited for your choice!<br>A moving apartment it will be when the time comes! <br>That is so cool. <br><br>I post messages and images of DeviantArt, Blogger and Facebook and people usually pay me through Paypal.<br>From there, it goes down to my bank account (Ally bank) or I use the Paypal card to withdraw cash. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Nice! I used to do art and design, but doing it freelance utterly destroyed my love for it. Never again will I make a hobby a job! It would be nice to create, not for clients.
Squirbel, The truck you posted looks like it would make a good sized apartment. I have been looking at those too, but not nearly as big. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"> <br>-Bruce
This is my planned layout. This will become more detailed as I draw out my plans officially. <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img">&nbsp;<br><br>The skylight mentioned in the build earlier will be directly above the multipurpose area.<br><br>My lifestyle will be very simple, but up to my standards [very high]. I will fashion a foldable memory foam sleeping mat , which will store on top of the cabinet on the side wall. I will have a small dining table , which will store underneath the wall cabinet area.<br><br>The dimensions in the picture are a bit off - my table will be smaller - but the look is correct.<br><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br><br>
yeah yeah yeah. I play wow.<br><br>Oh! And I coined a new term for my style of dwelling! It is my VanHut! Totoro's VanHut is the name of my vehicle. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Where's the kitchen? Sink? Cool design, I like your garage for the Vespa, are you planning on eating out or cooking outside 100% of the time?
It looks as though you plan on having a fair sized library in your van hut Totoro? <br>-Bruce
I plan to cook indoors. The kitchen is right in front of the garage, behind the wardrobe doors. Everything will be custom built. The cooking will be done with appliances that can be put away [rice cooker/steamer, zojirushi indoor grill, westbend toaster/egg cooker, one burner camping stove, water boiler]. There will be a 20" sink in the ~4' (the inches taken by insulation and wall will be subtracted.) of counter space between the fridge and pantry.<br><br><img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img">
<p>Here, I have drawn up the kitchen area for you.<br><br>And me. <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img"><br><br>The first drawing illustrates what the kitchen/storage area looks like with the wardrobe doors closed. imagine something like this, but not in this exact fashion. When it is open - this is illustrated by the second drawing.</p><div><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img class="bbc_img" src=""></a></div><div style="color: #444;"><small><a style="text-decoration: none; color: #444;" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Traditional Kitchen</a> by <a style="text-decoration: none; color: #444;" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Minneapolis Interior Designer</a> <a style="text-decoration: none; color: #444;" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Amber Ranzau<br><br></a></small></div>
<P>squirbel,</P><P><EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Box trucks (pantecs in Australia)&nbsp;make great homes. Should be a good conversion when your done. Don't forget to ask questions if you need help. Geoff</SPAN></STRONG></EM></P>
Well - it begins!

I have bought the tent I will live in while saving money for my truck! I am going to set it up the third week of June, and move in July 31st or earlier. I will be living with my dog and cat, showering and keeping clean at the gym, and cooking out.

I really can't wait to live in the tent - I can't explain my excitement to be free. Pictures later!
Yes... I lasted two nights in the tent. Geez. The second night, it rained and rained, and I had accidentally left my tent windows open. So all my blankets were wet, and yes, i slept between them. miserable. So I moved into the house on the property. It has mold issues, so I am cleaning it out and living in the one safe floor in the house. I am taking precautions by sealing off the moldy basement, using a dehumidifier and an air purifier. I am also using ventilation techniques using the westerly winds. I spoke to a mold specialist to figure out to eek a living in a sick home. So I'm prepared.

Besides, my cat figured out to exit the tent.
Did this build come to a quick death??? What about all that planning?

Maybe the moldy house took her over, . . . ya think ?

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