To each their own

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2012
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There's a couple camped near me. They set up their tent and now they're sitting in chairs—in the bed of their pickup. I guess the view is slightly better from there, though they seem immersed in their books.
Unless I have a campfire going we do the same here on the back of my semi, more of a view and the beer cooler isn’t far away :p, just missing fake turf up here.
I can think of a few reasons one being a firm place for the chair legs, it avoids stress on the frame of the chair.

Another reason avoiding the pest on the ground, ants, snakes, scorpions, spiders, fleas, ticks and such.

Can be amusing to do a bit of...why dat? thinking trying to get into the other fella's head.

In this case I would say they might just be doing it for a sensible reason, those biting ground dwelling creature can sure be the cause of some nasty health issues. If you want to relax and not be bothered by those critters and you have a good above ground platform for a chair I say go for it and don't worry about other people wondering why you are not down on the ground.
My father was a musician. He played and sang country swing. His band played Honky Tonk Bars in and around the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. I slept on many of booths when I was young while the band played on.  Every summer my Dads Band would play at different functions in the backwoods towns of east Texas and Louisiana. I remember they mainly started playing at dusk at these events outside. People would come out of the woodwork to have an evening of dancing.  What I recalled the most besides all of the delicious food was Old pickups from the forties and fifties arriving, and on several occasions One or two of the pickups would back up with someone who was physically disabled or Grandma in a rocker in the pickup bed. They would drive all the way there from their homes with a rocking passenger in the bed. The rockers would have overstuffed patchwork quilted pillows.  They would rock faster and wave their arms and sing at energetic songs they liked. Once in a while a loved one would jump in the bed of the truck and statically dance with them, or simply hold their hand during a slow love song or sad song. Sometimes people affectionately unite in spaces of security and comfort whether it be a Patchwork quilted rocker or an REI Camp chair.
No desire ever to sit in the bed of our truck and do anything :) and probably never will.
but yea, to each their own. whatever floats your boat.
This actually sounds like a good idea for many reasons. At least they are immersed in quiet books, and don't have a radio blaring.
HalfShadows said:
My father was a musician. He played and sang country swing. His band played Honky Tonk Bars in and around the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. I slept on many of booths when I was young while the band played on.  Every summer my Dads Band would play at different functions in the backwoods towns of east Texas and Louisiana. I remember they mainly started playing at dusk at these events outside. People would come out of the woodwork to have an evening of dancing.  What I recalled the most besides all of the delicious food was Old pickups from the forties and fifties arriving, and on several occasions One or two of the pickups would back up with someone who was physically disabled or Grandma in a rocker in the pickup bed. They would drive all the way there from their homes with a rocking passenger in the bed. The rockers would have overstuffed patchwork quilted pillows.  They would rock faster and wave their arms and sing at energetic songs they liked. Once in a while a loved one would jump in the bed of the truck and statically dance with them, or simply hold their hand during a slow love song or sad song. Sometimes people affectionately unite in spaces of security and comfort whether it be a Patchwork quilted rocker or an REI Camp chair.

This is a beautiful story, and thanks for sharing it.

A lovely reminder not to judge.

If people aren’t harming others, what difference does it make, and good for them for listening to their own drum rather than worrying and being dictated by what others may think.
Noodles must be getting bored with the road if he's commenting on his neighbors sitting and quietly reading. I had once been boondocking on BLM land for several days, when neighbors pulled in about 150' away, got out their semi-automatic assault weapons, and started blasting away for about 2 hours. I was just happy there was a slight hill between them and me. "To each their own". It happens.
I deleted the off-topic chit chat. If you are wondering why off-topic posts are deleted when the forum is titled Off-Topic and Chit-Chat -we try to keep all of the posts on the OP's topic so everyone doesn't have to read through a lot of posts that have nothing to do with the original subject.

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