Thoughts on carrying handgun in RV/van.

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Mar 21, 2021
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There's probably not a consensus on this subject but what do you hear about nomads having weapons with them in their RV or van. I've watched many of Bob's YouTube videos and as of yet not seen anyone broach this subject. We're not on the road yet but are in the planning stage to one day join you all.
A shotgun might be better - less hastle... Just make sure the magazine in compliance with maximum capacities for different states .

i would definitely have one but it might be better to get your carry license also. i have the
weapon but need the license...and yes shotgun would be nice but less likely to have on you
when you need it.
I was thinking along the lines of states where CC's are few and far in between and which don't recognize many other state's CC's. Some are very popular destinations for nomads...

At some point when I get out on the road, I'll get a VA CC and mount a safe in the back when in non reciprocal states.
Although with things as they are now, there's a few less states I'm interested in visiting now that weren't reciprocal anyway.
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Find out the laws in the states you travel in and comply. 

Also get training and practice for any firearm you handle.
I'm more of a long gun sort... A shotgun or 3030 Winchester would be great..

Long guns have far fewer regulation on them so have less chance of violating some ordinance while passing through

I earnestly hope for collapse and I'd probably be better off hunting with a rifle than a handgun....of course my wish is unlikely to happen.... But a man can dream.

If my primary concern was regulation I'd go with the long run...if I was needing to defend myself suddenly .. I'd go for I can't even hold a phone stable to get a picture.. I'd hit nothing withe I can't imagine having to do that in "situation".

Just stay in Idaho.. concealed carry is a permission needed.

I'll probably just mount a pitchfork and cattle prod..for security...

Ohhh or a pitchfork/ cattle prod 2 in 1...
Aside from the various rules and regulations that you're obligated to follow in order to comply with state laws, just remember that people's views about weapons vary as well. A good rule of thumb when around others is to not even bring up the fact that you have one. If the subject comes up you might even want to stay vague about it. The last thing you want is to be that person who brings up "i have a gun" out of the blue with no reason at all. The gun should never even make an appearance unless you're around someone who you know is comfortable with them and they ask you to see it, or god forbid, you ever need to use it.

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