This is why I don't cook in my van

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2012
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Yesterday, Walmart parking lot, Cottonwood, AZ.

See this is what happens when you fart near an open flame!!!.......when will they learn!
Small World, MrNoodly! ! ! Actually watched them load that van on the flatbed and tow it away! It got too warm in Cottonwood so heading to Albuquerque and then Pueblo CO
I think it's less of a case of why you don't and more of some people are basically suck at life ...



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I searched all over for the news link to this story -- nothing.

I did find a guy in Canada who put some lobster on to cook, then went to do his laundry.
Big RV -- big fire
Starlight said:
I searched all over for the news link to this story -- nothing.

I did find a guy in Canada who put some lobster on to cook, then went to do his laundry.
Big RV -- big fire

That's why I don't cook lobster.. too damned dangerous. ..Willy.
I know that Carl's Jr well.

Sucks for this guy/gal. It is so important to have a proper stove setup and extinguishers. Definitely my worst fear.
This is why I am careful while cooking anywhere. Half of the houses that the wife and I lived in had natural gas. This time of year is no big deal for using natural gas because we used a swamp cooler for cooling, overall cheaper and the windows were open, less chance of gas pooling if there was a leak.

It's getting warm here in the sonoran desert, so I don't cook inside any vehicle, it heads up the inside too much, even with the doors open.
In Missouri, you can't get insurance for a rental with a gas stove.
Starlight said:
I searched all over for the news link to this story -- nothing.

Stupid seems to make the news only when it's on a grand scale these days. Idiots who toast themselves in their own homes only matters when they toasted innocents around them.
Most of RV fires have nothing to do with cooking.

More common causes include leaking fuel lines and connections, shorts in the 12-volt electrical system, refrigerator fires, pinhole fuel-line leaks in diesel-pusher engine compartments and dry wheel bearings in 5th wheels and trailers.
My first Van fire was caused by Karma!!!

During my smoking days I flipped a cigarette out the window , it re-entered thru a rear open window and poof!!!!!!

as I sat there and watched all my worldly possessions burn..(smoking a Cigarette !) think at that time I would have learned a lesson!

"Only you, Can prevent Van fires! "
I was in the same boat Mike. Standing there smoking a cigarette watching the suv burn all my Christmas gifts. I put a cig in the ashtray, thought it was out. It must have fallen when I closed the door. A half hour later we noticed the smoke.
I guess then -- that there is no real hazard with a car's gas tank or fuel line and cooking inside a van -- but rather with propane tanks?? The way I heard it -- the connections on propane tanks loosen in hot weather and there is more tendency for leaks... so... not good inside...??

I guess if there was a problem with normal gas lines, then smoking would be prohibited in cars. My plan is to cook on a small table outside the van. I might use an oil lamp inside on occasion, though -- with most things battery powered with rechargable batteries.
I cooked for years in my VW Westy, no problems at all. Just pay attention to what you are doing at all times.

On a side note, returning from a trip to Mexico I noticed the gas gauge dropping like a rock, and then the smell of raw gas. I turned it off, coasted to the side of the road and checked the engine compartment. The entire engine was wet with gas. A push on braided gas line had come off from the output of the fuel pump and drenched the entire engine.

Pure luck that it didn't ignite.
Lucky mike said:
My first Van fire was caused by Karma!!!

During my smoking days I flipped a cigarette out the window , it re-entered thru a rear open window and poof!!!!!!

as I sat there and watched all my worldly possessions burn..(smoking a Cigarette !) think at that time I would have learned a lesson!

"Only you, Can prevent Van fires! "

I gave up smoking 40 years ago to save money for a down payment on my first car. Now with my health problems and COPD, I am glad I never started up again.
remember murphy's law, this is especially true with fires. anything that could possibly cause a fire, could cause a fire. highdesertranger
We've discovered the cause of that van fire. The woman had a 2-burner Coleman stove and a 20 lb. propane tank. She would connect and disconnect the tank each time she used the stove. This time she didn't have the hose connected properly and it leaked. Be careful, folks.