this is off putting

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Almost as bad as the guy who found a similar surprise under his hotel bed...
That's happened a couple of times now. I remember reading one of those stories and then something about them all being true on

It's a creepy new world order we're living in. Be safe.
...then there are all those abandoned Town Cars in Jersey.
See doesnt pay to rent an RV........
They stink!!
alot of dead weight comes with it!!!
How did the maintenance crew from the rental company miss a body?
One of the news stories about this said it was rented by the guys from a "friend of a friend" who also said not to open the compartment. I read it in passing and haven't followed up so I don't know how true it is.
yes. a few years ago an couple from Germany complained about a smell in their room. Atlantic City casino housekeeping found a body under the bed.
Zil said:
yes. a few years ago an couple from Germany complained about a smell in their room. Atlantic City casino housekeeping found a body under the bed.

Did the hotel charge them for the extra occupant? ..Willy.
they spent the whole night before complaining.
The police found the boyfriend/killer still gambling down stairs on the slots.
slow2day said:
Almost as bad as the guy who found a similar surprise under his hotel bed...

My uncle complained to the motel manager about a smell from his bed and wanted a new room. The manager checked while he's there and found under the mattress, a bag full of money...looked at least over $50,000. Wonder if he called the cops.