This is a SHOWER!!!!

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That "rain shower" large sprinkler area does look like it would use tons of water. But the idea to have a flip-up on the back door that you hook water up to for some sort of permanent shower head might not be such a bad idea.

On the other hand, one could simply make a hook to hold the sprayer from a shower such as those made from garden pump-up (pressure) sprayers.
I thought about making a shower stall by putting a curtain between the two open doors of a van.
Man,I like that shower.Gotta make one for the outside of my camper.Maybe one for showering outside at home also.
DannyB1954 said:
I thought about making a shower stall by putting a curtain between the two open doors of a van.

That's what I do and it works excellent. Basically, all you need to do is bug an 8 x 10 sized tarp and secure the two ends with bungee cords closest to the vans room and the let the rest hang over the other side of the door. It works just like a shower curtain. I also do this when I'm going to be stationary for a while and I want more space. It's like building a quick little extra room. I use the side doors for this purpose.
A simple shower enclosure I've thought of would work like so and be made of 3/4"  thin wall electrical conduit tubing.


Over the left rear wheel,  two 1" eyelet bolts would mount into the wall of the Van. (these could be stainless steel or cadmium plated)  set about 3 ft apart.  Just below them large fender washers could be attached to the wall of the van to reinforce the thin sheet metal.   The black square in front of the left rear wheel would be the shower curtain rod.   The ends could be set down through the eyelet bolts and the ends brace against the
reinforcing washers.  A simple light weight shower curtain could be hung from this to form a privacy enclosure.  The shower curtain may be installed onto the square enclosure rod first even before mounting into the eyelet bolts. 

There would be no  drainage,  so a piece of plastic would need to placed on the ground and perhaps a pair of flip flop sandals be used for walking out of the enclosure to keep one's feet clean after the shower.

This assumes you are in warm enough environments to utilize this simple system.  If one is boondocking it could  be left in place until ready to travel.  Then taken down and stowed away easily enough in an out of the way area in the Van.  If one carries a chemical toilet and the shower curtain is long enough it could provide privacy for that too. 

As for the shower water a garden sprayer painted black could provide enough water for that.   It has been discussed here before to mount a kitchen sink sprinkler to the hose after removing the spray wand from it.

The plastic base to stand on may be the lid of a storage tote box.

As for the flip flops....a strip of plastic magnet glued to the base wold allow them to stick to the side of the Van
just outside the showering area.   A small container suspended from the shower curtain rod by a piece of cord could hold soap & shampoo.  Similarly a locker mirror could have have plastic magnetic strip glued to the back of it and mount to the side of the Van for shaving.

But this is a system I've thought out.
Not bad, although penetrating the walls f the van gives me pause
I wouldn't want to put eye bolts through the side of my van either. You could design it to clamp onto the rain gutter like roof racks do. Then no holes would be required. I think the easiest is using the rear or side doors though.
Use the black plastic tote to stand in and catch drain water, also make rod curved to give more room for upper body. While showering tuck in shower curtain so breeze doesn't expose you and all water goes in to tote as wet areas around van will draw critters and bees. When your done dump tote and leave curtain out of tote for toilet area. Use tote to store all shower and toilet while traveling.
I was thinking about this just now.  There may be better ways to do this and the location would be up to the owner's discretion.   A rain gutter clamp could be made of scrap stainless with the eyelet bolt fastened in it and a pad of
dense foam rubber glued to the bottom of the clamp.   A bolt with a wing nut would hold it in place on the rain gutter
about anywhere it would be wanted. 


If you had access to a few scraps of stainless around 1/8" thick, a drill with bits,  the 1" eye bolt with nuts to secure it and a 1/4" bolt with wing nut to hold this plate located on the rain gutter, it could be servicable.

Thus the short ends of the shower curtain rod would brace against the plate as shown and this cushioned by the foam rubber.

All better ?
I have put holes for eye bolts but usually use longer threaded ones through inside frame rails on vertical sides with sealer under body washers to hold on roof racks with heavy ratchet straps and avoid leaks in the roof. Wife really likes the "Mad Max" look, NOT!
A cheap option for a shower head would be CPVC piping with a few holes drilling in, maybe make a square and have them aiming down and inwards, great as you can +/- holes depending on your water capacity.