The importance of ventilation.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2014
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Although I haven't begun full timing yet, I have made several long trial runs in various seasons and places.

From what I've experienced so far, the most enjoyment I've had with my high top Dodge van so far has involved parking with the back and side doors completely open for great ventilation.    

At the beach last week I had an off shore breeze coming though the van that was heavenly.   No bugs, 65 degree breeze, out of the direct sun, listening to soft new age music and reading my Kindle all day.

In Sedona it was warm and I really wanted to open up like I do at the beach, but there were a lot of nasty black fly like bugs that would invade the van and make life miserable.

I would like screens that zip open for both the back doors and side doors.   Velcroed to the door jambs and with a zipper for entry and exit.   This would give me the ventilation that I desire and keep those nasty insects out at the same time.

Does anyone know of a place where these screens could be purchased?

Am I in a position that I will have to have them custom made?

Thanks in advance for the input.
Thanks. Those look really nice and exactly what I want. I am somewhat surprised that for two sets of doors the bill would be about $600.00 plus shipping.

I'm wondering if a good seamstress could fabricate the same thing for a lot less?

Any seamstresses out there to comment?
What about the screens that you can buy at WalMart in the "As Seen On T.V." section - I am having a lapse in memory at the moment and the name eludes me but, they are the ones that open and close easily and stay shut with magnets.
I'm not sure if the magnet ones would be easy to retrofit. And I haven't had many good experiences with as-seen-on-TV stuff. But I bet a handy person could fashion something out of window screening that would be even better. I would buy the fiberglass or pet-resistant kind, not aluminum. It's easy to work with and less than $10/roll.
What about buying a "screen tent", and using the zipper screens from it? The one I have has a zipper screen front and back and is wide enough, I think, to work.
I once camped in Baja, and the kelp flies were so bad it was infuriating.  It was also 99 degrees.  I had brought screening for my side doors, and used paper clamps and Magnets to hold them to the sides.  I had 2 overlapping screens, and I used fishing weights, the Split shots all across the bottom.

It was also easy to roll them up out of the way when unneeded.  I've got the materials in my Van to set up a side door screen in about 5 minutes.

You can get the super strong Neodymium magnets that are thin enough that they can fit in the door jambs and the doors still close:
Hi 66788

I made the screen doors for the side and back of our van. It wasn't too difficult. I got the screen from Lowes and the zippers were salvaged over the years, however they can be purchased at upholstery supply store. Expect the zippers to be pricey, I would recommend the metal not the plastic kind if you can find them. Here are a few photos of the result.

If you want the details on how to make it look into the second link in my signature. If you need more details let me know I'd gladly walk you thru it, once you have the pattern all worked out I would suggest to take the whole think and go to an upholstery shop with it. They have the sewing machines and the knowledge needed. If you want to leave them permanently in the doors by gluing then on the side I would suggest to have ample of extra screen material on all sides to give you room to play with. I didn't and it made it a bit tricky.

Again let me know if I can help.

66788 said:
Thanks.  Those look really nice and exactly what I want.  I am somewhat surprised that for two sets of doors the bill would be about $600.00 plus shipping.

I'm wondering if a good seamstress could fabricate the same thing for a lot less?

Any seamstresses out there to comment?

One of the reasons they are so pricey is that to the best of my google skills, they are the only company still producing them. Back in the 70's and 80's they were a dime a dozen (well, almost).

Yes, a good seamstress could fabricate the same thing - noseeum screening, continuous zipper supply, outdoor thread and some kind of binding for the edges and a method of attaching them to the frame of the door are all that's needed. That and a good ruler... :)

BUT, I have to warn you that most 'seamstresses' are not interested in custom work. Some do nothing but drapery projects, others only do repairs (hemming etc.) or only do custom fitted clothing. Finding someone to do the job is going to be harder than the actual project.

When you do find someone to do them, think about using snap fasteners rather than Velcro. Also, if and when you find someone to do the job, I know an online shop where you can get all the materials in one place..just ask.
I'm sure if you want to give it a try you could sew the zippers on the screen by hand. It's easy and not gender restricted, if a girl can do it so can you.

I picked up a garage door screen at Walmart, and used half on my side door, and half on my back door. Total cost under $15.

The velcro gave out after a year or so, so I pop riveted magnetic tape all the way around them. Many years later, they're still at work doing their job if I'm somewhere I need them.
ilovemyvan said:
Hi 66788

I made the screen doors for the side and back of our van. It wasn't too difficult. I got the screen from Lowes and the zippers were salvaged over the years, however they can be purchased at upholstery supply store. Expect the zippers to be pricey, I would recommend the metal not the plastic kind if you can find them. Here are a few photos of the result.

If you want the details on how to make it look into the second link in my signature. If you need more details let me know I'd gladly walk you thru it, once you have the pattern all worked out I would suggest to take the whole think and go to an upholstery shop with it. They have the sewing machines and the knowledge needed. If you want to leave them permanently in the doors by gluing then on the side I would suggest to have ample of extra screen material on all sides to give you room to play with. I didn't and it made it a bit tricky.

Again let me know if I can help.


Awesome job!   Those are exactly what I want.  I downloaded the excellent photos you posted and will give them to my upholstery guy to duplicate.   He does excellent work if presented with drawings or photos, he just lacks the ability to make something from verbal instructions.

I congratulate you on a job well done.  I'd like to see your van someday.
A few years ago, I also sewed a screen for the back of our cargo trailer -- sorry, no pics at the moment.  I used duck cloth around the edges to stabilize it and provide a secure area to attach the velcro at the top and sides.  I used the inexpensive fabric garage door screens and cut them to fit.  It didn't have a zipper because it was a last minute job, (would definitely add one next time), but I did make a flap on the outside just like you would have on a tent, which could be rolled down when needed.  That flap came in handy when we decided to use an air conditioner at the rear of the trailer (no holes in the trailer were needed), just stuck it in the back at the bottom and secured the flap around it.  It was a lifesaver.  I suppose the flap could also be an awning if it wasn't too windy and you had grommets in the corners to put tent poles through and stake them out.

I think velcro provides a better seal if you are concerned about bugs.  You can get the stick-on kind for the inside of the vehicle, and the sew-on kind to put on the screen/fabric.

Hello again 66788

I'm glad I could help. Don't forget to give yourself some working room, add 2 -3 inches of extra screen on both sides and the top, the extra can be trimmed later. I wish I'd made the side door a little longer so I could tock it in a bit more to make absolutely sure no bugs could sneak in. Did you decide how you will attached them?

We really had fun with the build. We liked the whole process. If you're ever in the Daytona Beach area let us know. We'd love to show you Precious.

I found a place on Google:

Skeeta   that sells net and "NoSeeum" fine mesh net.

I got mine at an Army Navy Surplus Store.  They were in a big pile. Guy said that they
were panels from field Mess Tents or Hospital Tents.  They were plenty large and Olive Green.
Heavy grade and in good shape.

But the idea of Target and a Garage Door screen would be a great source to repurpose
for your windows and doors of the Van.
eDJ_ said:
I found a place on Google:

Skeeta   that sells net and "NoSeeum" fine mesh net.

I got mine at an Army Navy Surplus Store.  They were in a big pile. Guy said that they
were panels from field Mess Tents or Hospital Tents.  They were plenty large and Olive Green.
Heavy grade and in good shape.

But the idea of Target and a Garage Door screen would be a great source to repurpose
for your windows and doors of the Van.

Here's where I order all my supplies like Noseeum from:

25 cents a yard cheaper. Unless you insist on another color for some reason, black is the way to go - it's easiest to see through.

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